Monday, February 29, 2016

How Simply Slender Master Cleanse Can Help Jump Start Your Weight Loss

Before any person begins a diet, it is a good idea to begin that diet by detoxing your body since the toxins in a body can affect the body’s ability to burn body fat.  Detoxing will also increase the body’s metabolism, which is the perfect touch when you're looking to drop those pounds fast.  If you're looking for a fast way to dump the toxins, make certain that you do it safely with Herbal Clean’s Simply Slender Master Cleanse.

Why Detox Before Starting a Diet?

Before a person begins a diet, a bit of body prep is absolutely essential.  A detoxifying cleanse done before beginning a diet will help the body’s organs work better by cleaning all of the toxins and poisons currently stored. Wondering where those toxins come from? Pollutants that are in the air, food and water that we consume each and every day are often the culprits. 

The power, though, doesn't stop there.  A detoxifying cleanse will also be helpful since these toxins can affect the body’s ability to burn fat.  By detoxing before you diet, you can amp up the fat burn quickly. 

Another benefit of cleansing your body before dieting is that it will increase the body’s metabolism. A slow metabolism is the surest way to quash a diet before it even begins. 

What is Simply Slender Master Cleanse?

Herbal Clean’s Simply Slender Master Cleanse is the modern day version of the famous Master Cleanse that has been used by many celebrities over the years.  This easy-to-use diet is already blended with the traditional lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup recipe with modern ingredients that will bolster the benefits of this famously effective weight loss system.  The addition of Noni, Mangosteen, Goji and Acai juices along with other great ingredients like Beta Carotene & Vitamin C, will help provide the vitamins and antioxidants that a person needs to safely and supports the body’s natural process to cleanse the body of toxins, making certain that a person will shed those unwanted pounds and stay healthy while doing so.

How is Simply Slender Master Cleanse Used?

One bottle of Simply Slender Master Cleanse contains enough diet cleanses for either two 48 hour diet cleanses or one more aggressive 4 day diet cleanse.  To use the dieter will want to:

  • Shake well.
  • Then add 1 oz. (2 tablespoons) of Simply Slender Master Cleanse powerful premixed concentrate to 8 ounces of water.
  • You may use more of less water to taste.
  • Drink 8 times each day.
  • Also enjoy light meals, consisting of only fruits and vegetables, at anytime throughout the day.  We recommend you do not exceed portion sizes larger than the palm of your hand at any one time.
Have questions? Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Start 2016 with a Detox

With the New Year here, it is the best time to start your New Year resolutions for weight loss and detoxes are a great place to start. Detoxes not only help you loss weight, they also help flush all of the toxins out of your body that have built up over time. Visit Herbal Clean today to learn more about the right detox products for you.


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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Can Horny Goat Weed Really Help Against Erectile Dysfunction?

There are a number of pharmaceuticals currently on the market to combat erectile dysfunction, or ED. However, these aren’t the only products that can help with ED, which affects as many as 30 million men. There are also lots of herbal supplements that claim to help men achieve and maintain an erection - the hard part is in finding one that actually works. Horny goat weed is an ED supplement that does the job.

What is Horny Goat Weed? Horny goat weed has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine. In fact, it gets it name from an ancient goat herder, who noticed that his goats became particularly frisky after consuming the plant. Horny goat weed comes from the Epimedium plant, which contains a compound called icariin. Icariin is the main ingredient that targets erectile dysfunction, restoring blood flow to the penis and helping men achieve an erection. 

How Does it Work? Horny goat weed works by inhibiting an enzyme known as PDE5, which is present in men with erectile dysfunction. This enzyme interferes with other chemical in the body that are responsible for an erection, not allowing them to do their job to relax muscles and allow blood flow to reach the penis. The icariin in the horny goat weed helps block the PDE5, allowing the body’s natural response to sexual stimuli to occur. 

Does it Really Work? Horny goat weed has helped for many men suffering from ED. In lab studies, the supplement has been shown to improve the chances of achieving an erection. Case studies point to similar findings. In the U.S., a group of men were given the supplement, with doctors and researchers documenting the results over a period of 45 days. At the conclusion of the study, 60 percent of the men reported an enhancement of sexual satisfaction. Beyond this, men around the world - and especially in China - swear by the supplement, saying that it has restored their ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

New Year and a New You

With the New Year here, now is the perfect time to start living healthier. Detoxing is not only is this very good for overall health, a detox also comes with a few other positive side effects - including weight loss. Learn more:

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

5 Weight Loss Tips to Live By

The New Year is here, and we can already tell you that one of the top resolutions for 2016 will be weight loss. We live in a society where being overweight or obese is extremely commonplace; in fact, more than two-thirds of the population falls into this category. Losing weight can be tough, but it’s certainly not impossible. Use these 5 tips to help you on your weight loss journey:

1.    Detox regularly. Detoxes are great for starting anew weight loss plan. They force you to stop exposing yourself to unnecessary food/drink toxins, and they flush the toxins that have built up in your system over time. Doing this usually results in rapid loss of a few pounds, plus it restores hydration and balance to your body before you start your long-term plan for better health.
2.    Quit saying yes to fad diets. Fad diets are exactly that - a fad. They never seem to last because they’re not manageable over the long-term. Plus, most of them are fairly unhealthy, and can have negative effects on your metabolism that actually cause you to GAIN weight. 
3.    Try an 80/20 approach. Sometimes, the key to a successful long-term weight loss plan is in treating yourself on occasion. An 80/20 plan emphasizes that 80% of the food you eat should be healthy, while the remaining 20% can be something a little less healthy. This way, you’re not depriving yourself of all the foods you love, but you’re still eating right a majority of the time.
4.    Diversify your physical activities. Doing the same exercises over and over isn’t just repetitive - for most people, it’s also extremely boring. Mix it up with a variety of activities and intensities to keep your brain and body challenged and energized.
5.    Stand, don’t sit. Even if you have a desk job that more or less requires you to sit most of the day, do what you can to decreased prolonged sitting. Get up and walk around at least once an hour, or try a standing desk.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dandelion is a Powerful Herb

Usually seen as nothing more than an annoying weed, you may be surprised to learn that dandelions are actually jam-packed with medicinal properties. From helping your body digest to boosting your immune system, there are a number of ways dandelions can positively impact your health. Learn more by visiting Herbal Clean today.

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Monday, February 8, 2016

Can a Detox Eliminate Food Allergies and Sensitivities?

Countless studies have been done on detoxes and how they can improve health. We already know that detox cleanses can help with weight loss and certain health issues, but what about food allergies and sensitivities? Can a detox really eliminate those for good. Maybe, and maybe not. Let’s go over some basics about food allergies and how you can reduce or (hopefully) eliminate the symptoms.

First, let’s talk about what a food allergy even is. Of course, you already know that it’s a type of food that causes your body to react in unpleasant ways. The most common symptoms include gas and bloating, diarrhea, cramping, constipation, indigestion and heartburn. Other possible effects are headache, joint pain, acne and even more frequent colds and flu illnesses.

Ever wonder how you developed that food allergy, though? Here’s how: at some point, you ate something, and it somehow became introduced into your bloodstream. This usually happens when there’s a disruption in the “good” bacteria found in your digestive tract, which can compromise the wall and lining of the stomach. When this occurs, food particles can escape, entering the bloodstream before they’ve been fully broken down. Your body doesn’t recognize this foreign object, tags it as bad, and begins to attack. This puts your immune system into overdrive, resulting in some of the symptoms described above.

Now for the important question - how do you eliminate a food allergy? Well, there are a few different ways you can, at a minimum, reduce your symptoms. For starters, you can use a food elimination process that removes all the primary allergy-causing foods from your diet. This includes dairy, grains, alcohol, sugar, and more. With these out of the picture, your symptoms should be gone in a matter of days. Once you’re symptom-free, you can reintroduce each food/drink one at a time to see which one is the culprit. From then on, you can simply avoid that food item.

However, let’s say you’ve determined that grains are causing the problem, and a lifetime without breads sounds awful. If this is where you’re at, you need to take steps to deal with the allergy while still getting to enjoy the foods you love. A detox can definitely help with this. Spending a week or 10 days cleansing your body and eliminating toxins can give you a fresh start and help restore your body’s natural balances - including the good bacteria in your gut.

You can also boost the effects of the detox by making a few other changes to your diet. Start by consuming homemade fermented foods and drinks. Things like sauerkraut, pickles, and kimchi are all rich in probiotics, which are the key to a healthy gut. Probiotics promote healthy bacteria in your gut, and they improve digestion. Another detox booster is to consume more gelatinous foods. Bone broth and grass-fed gelatin powder can be added to your diet to aid in the healing and sealing of the mucous lining of your stomach and intestines.

So, to answer again the initial question of whether or not a detox can eliminate food allergies - maybe and maybe not. Some people may be fortunate enough to eliminate their allergies altogether, but others may have to settle for a detox to simply reduce their symptoms - which really isn’t so bad either!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Male Enhancement Supplements to Avoid

Since coming to the market in 1998, male enhancement drugs and supplements have had an overall positive effect. However, with more men seeking help when they need it, and more drug and supplement manufacturers providing products, you have to know what ones to avoid. Learn more by visiting herbal clean today.

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Need to Drop a Few Pounds? Jumpstart it with a Healthy Detox!

Our bodies are like organic storage facilities for toxins. We’re exposed to these harmful compounds each and every day by the foods we eat and the environment we live in. Every so often, our bodies need a reset, where we eliminate the toxins and restore health and balance to our systems. Of course, not only is this very good for overall health, a detox also comes with a few other positive side effects - including weight loss. Here’s how a detox can help you jumpstart a long-term weight loss plan:

What is a detox?
In its most basic form, a detox is a period of time where you abstain from certain foods, drinks and other products that are unhealthy for the body. During this time, your body is able to rid itself of toxins and other harmful compounds that can build up over time, causing you discomfort and poor health. Many detox plans are also supplemented with herbal remedies that are known to boost things like cell growth and toxin elimination.

What happens to your body during a detox?
Your skin, kidneys, and liver perform some form of detoxification every day, with your liver handling the vast majority of the cleansing. However, when you’re abiding by a detox plan, your body undergoes radical changes. First of all, you’re not introducing the same high level of toxins that you were previously, so your liver and other organs can start cleansing and eliminating the backlog of toxins that have built up over time. Second, you’re likely hydrating your body more so than normal, so you’ll feel the immediate benefits of that. Finally, during a detox, your body has a chance to restore balance to the major systems, and your immune system can calm down because it’s not battling all those toxins.

How can this help with weight loss?

So how does all this help with weight loss? Well, primarily because you’re denying yourself from the calorie-laden, weight-inducing foods you’re used to eating. By removing those from your diet altogether, at least for a certain period of time, you’re drastically reducing the amount of calories and fat you consume. This can kickstart your weight loss plan, build your confidence, and get you on track for even lower numbers on the scale.