Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Do Toxins Affect Brain Function?

Toxins are, sadly, a normal part of life these days, and there’s really not a lot we can do to avoid them. Between the environment we live in and the foods we eat, we are exposed to a lengthy list of toxic compounds that negatively impact our health and well-being every day.  While the entire body is at risk of being harmed due to toxins, one of the biggest concerns is how exposure to these chemicals are affecting our brains.  Here are 6 of the most common toxins we encounter, along with information about how they can affect the brain.

1.     BPA - No doubt you’ve seen labels on plastic water bottles and other items that say “BPA free.” This a response to the international attention that’s been directed at this dangerous toxin that is linked to a number of health concerns. Bisphenol-A, or BPA, can interfere with hormone production and other areas of the body, and in the brain, it’s known for causing problems with learning abilities and memory.
2.    Mercury - Most people are already aware of the dangers that mercury presents, but do you know how it can affect your brain? Mercury attacks neurons in the visual cortex and cerebellum of the brain, along with targeting the spinal cord. In pregnant women, mercury can build up in the fetus’ brain, resulting in babies born with cerebral palsy and other conditions. 
3.    Phthalates - Phthalates are toxins found in many everyday items, such as cosmetics, hygiene products, and even some food. These compounds have been linked to brain-related problems such as ADHD and neurodevelopmental disorders.
4.    Lead - Many people think of lead poisoning as being something from the past, but the truth is this harmful toxin still poses a threat today. Lead can negatively impact all the major systems of the body as well as cause neurological disorders. Impaired learning ability, decreased IQ, ADHD, antisocial behavior, and memory and concentration problems are just some of the ways in which lead can impact the brain. 
5.    Benzene - Found in fuel, pharmaceuticals, and even some detergents, benzene is a highly toxic compound that can wreak havoc on the body. Exposure to benzene can result in headaches and other neurological problems, such as irritability, confusion, sleep disorders, and memory loss.
6.    Pesticides - Pesticides are used all around the world to protect food, property, and people from insects and disease. However, the toxins found within many of these pesticides do the exact opposite of protecting - resulting in harmful side effects instead. Pesticide use on the foods we consume has been shown to cause a number of dangerous ailments, with Parkinson’s disease, ADHD, and long-term brain damage being some of the biggest concerns.

As you can see, everyday toxins can have a serious negative impact on the brain and its function. To help counteract these effects, it’s important to detoxify the body regularly to rid it of dangerous chemicals and compounds. This, along with a healthy lifestyle, can help you live a happier, healthier, and fuller life.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wanted to Detox Fast?

Herbal Clean replenishes your body with the essential minerals needed to bring your body back into balance the very same day. We use many natural herbs like Milk thistle, turmeric root, burdock root, juniper berry and dandelion root to remove toxins from the liver, kidneys and urinary tract. Learn more about our products now http://goo.gl/mIo6Sr

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Mullein Leaf - Is It Safe?

Many people have turned to mullein leaf over the years to ease symptoms of the common cold, flu, asthma, diarrhea, and even wounds. The leaves and flowers of the plant may be brewed as a tea or taken in capsule form, or applied directly to the skin as a salve to treat wounds and other injuries. While many people swear by this natural remedy, there is some question about the safety of this herb - and for good reason. Mullein leaf has been linked to a few side effects ranging from mild to serious, which can counteract any of the possible benefits of the herb. Side effects include:

      Irritation to the skin - Some people may experience rashes, irritation and other skin conditions when using mullein leaf topically in a salve or lotion. Additionally, for people who use the dried leaves and flowers to prepare their own remedies, there may be skin irritation associated with the tiny hairs found on the plant’s leaves.
      Breathing problems - Respiratory problems are a noted side effect of using mullein supplements and remedies. Some of the symptoms reported include difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, and chest wall and throat inflammation. For patients already suffering from a respiratory illness and using mullein leaf to combat that, this side effect is especially concerning.
      Fatigue and other general side effects - Mullein leaf has also been linked to a variety of general side effects. Some of these include fatigue, confusion, and similar symptoms that may be a result of the hypnotic and disorienting nature of the plant.
      Seed toxicity - The seeds of the mullein plant contain a toxic substance called rotenone. When consumed, this may cause adverse side effects such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, or convulsions.

So, is mullein leaf safe for use and consumption as an herbal remedy? The answer is no, as there are too many dangerous side effects that have the potential to occur. There are several other options for treating illness and detoxifying the body that are proven safe and effective that should be used instead.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Milk Thistle: Nature’s Remedy for Liver Detoxification

Your liver has a lot of responsibility. It’s your main defense against toxins found in our environment and in the foods you eat, and it’s in charge of more than 300 metabolic functions to keep your body healthy and functioning properly.  There are times, though, when your liver could use a little help. When dietary and environmental toxins build up, it can be difficult to eliminate them quickly and effectively, and liver function may be compromised. This can result in decreased health and well-being, along with other complications.  When this happens, it’s time to give this vital organ a boost, and milk thistle offers one of the best solutions for a liver detox.

Why Milk Thistle?
Milk thistle contains a compound called silymarin, which has been recognized as a proven healing and detoxifying agent for the liver. The compound has been studied extensively for decades and is recognized by doctors and scientists alike as a powerhouse in promoting liver health.

What Does Milk Thistle Do?
When you use milk thistle as part of a liver detox plan, you’ll discover that this powerful extract helps in a number of ways. One is increasing the antioxidant glutathione, which is vital for proper liver function. In fact, milk thistle has been shown to increase levels of glutathione by up to 35%. Superoxide dismutase, another important antioxidant, is also increased when milk thistle is introduced to the body.  Milk thistle, and specifically the silymarin found within it, can also help protect liver cells by blocking toxins found in alcohol, some medication, and the environment. Finally, the extract can also reduce inflammation in the liver, leading to better overall health.

Are There Other Benefits to a Detox with Milk Thistle?

Yes!  Milk thistle has been shown to boost bile production, which is what the small intestine uses to break down fat. This can lead to increased metabolism and even a reduced risk for heart disease. Some studies have also shown that milk thistle may be beneficial in people with diabetes.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Boost Your Immunity During Cold and Flu Season

It’s that time of year again. Cold and flu season is just about here, and in a couple of short weeks, it’ll be in full swing.  While there’s no way to protect yourself 100% from illness-causing germs and viruses, you can take steps to avoid them. Along with making some easy adjustments to your daily life, one of the best ways to avoid sickness is with an immune-boosting detox that will rid your body of toxins and keep your system in top shape. Use the tips below to help you stay healthy this cold and flu season.

      Clean up your diet - There are so many toxins found in everyday foods and drinks that we consume.  Basically, anything that’s packaged or processed is going to be loaded with chemicals, which may or may not be harmful to your body. To stay healthy, give your diet an overhaul. Eliminate processed foods as much as possible, and eat clean with whole foods with high nutritional content. Stick to water or tea, and avoid alcohol or sugary drinks.
      Reduce environmental pollutants - As is the case with food, we are exposed to hundreds of environmental toxins each day. While we can’t completely eliminate these as many are out of our control, we can reduce their impact by doing things like filtering water and air in our homes and being careful not to knowingly expose ourselves to things like pesticides, BPA, heavy metals, and mercury.
      Practice good hygiene - Good hygiene is a must during cold and flu season, with one of the most important practices being regular hand washing.  We come into contact with countless surfaces each day, all riddled with bacteria and other germs. You can reduce your chances of getting sick from these by washing your hands often and thoroughly, and avoiding touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.

      Rid your body of toxins and boost your immune system - Finally, you can boost your immune system to ward off illness by doing a detox. Detoxifying your body will flush out harmful elements, allowing your cells, tissues, and major systems to regenerate and function at their peak. This will restore health and wellness, strengthening your immune system so that it can fight harmful bacteria and viruses.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

3 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Tongkat Ali

Tongkat ali, also known as longjack or longjack herb, is a plant indigenous to southeast Asia. For centuries, its roots have been used for purported medicinal purposes, but interest in tongkat ali as an herbal supplement has spiked in the United States in recent years. In the U.S. and other countries, the herb is marketed as a male enhancing supplement that can increase testosterone, boosting both muscle mass and the libido. While this may appeal to many men, there are several dangerous side effects that may occur when taking tongkat ali. Here are three reasons why this herb should be avoided at all costs:

1.     Cancer Risks - Tongkat ali boosts testosterone production, which can exacerbate symptoms in people with cancer and other conditions. People with prostate and breast cancer, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, sleep apnea and kidney problems may find their symptoms are worsened and recovery is slowed when taking tongkat ali. The supplement may also interfere with treatments for these diseases.

2.    Lowered Immunity and Increased Body Temperature - People taking tongkat ali may experience weakened immune systems, making them more susceptible to infection and illness.  The herb may also interact with certain medications, lessening their effectiveness for combating illness. Additionally, studies have also shown that tongkat ali can cause an increase in body temperature. While not necessarily dangerous, this can be uncomfortable when it is experienced for prolonged periods.

3.    Psychological Effects - People taking tongkat ali supplements have also reported numerous psychological effects, including increased stress, anxiety and restlessness, as well as insomnia. Over time, these conditions will negatively impact a person’s mental and physical health, which may result in other health conditions occurring. Another side effect associated with tongkat ali is increased aggression due to the testosterone boost. Mood swings, impatience, and a shortened temper have all been reported with the supplement.