Thursday, December 10, 2015

Boost Your Immunity During Cold and Flu Season

It’s that time of year again. Cold and flu season is just about here, and in a couple of short weeks, it’ll be in full swing.  While there’s no way to protect yourself 100% from illness-causing germs and viruses, you can take steps to avoid them. Along with making some easy adjustments to your daily life, one of the best ways to avoid sickness is with an immune-boosting detox that will rid your body of toxins and keep your system in top shape. Use the tips below to help you stay healthy this cold and flu season.

      Clean up your diet - There are so many toxins found in everyday foods and drinks that we consume.  Basically, anything that’s packaged or processed is going to be loaded with chemicals, which may or may not be harmful to your body. To stay healthy, give your diet an overhaul. Eliminate processed foods as much as possible, and eat clean with whole foods with high nutritional content. Stick to water or tea, and avoid alcohol or sugary drinks.
      Reduce environmental pollutants - As is the case with food, we are exposed to hundreds of environmental toxins each day. While we can’t completely eliminate these as many are out of our control, we can reduce their impact by doing things like filtering water and air in our homes and being careful not to knowingly expose ourselves to things like pesticides, BPA, heavy metals, and mercury.
      Practice good hygiene - Good hygiene is a must during cold and flu season, with one of the most important practices being regular hand washing.  We come into contact with countless surfaces each day, all riddled with bacteria and other germs. You can reduce your chances of getting sick from these by washing your hands often and thoroughly, and avoiding touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.

      Rid your body of toxins and boost your immune system - Finally, you can boost your immune system to ward off illness by doing a detox. Detoxifying your body will flush out harmful elements, allowing your cells, tissues, and major systems to regenerate and function at their peak. This will restore health and wellness, strengthening your immune system so that it can fight harmful bacteria and viruses.

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