Monday, March 28, 2016

Top Reasons to Detox

Did you know that toxins can stay in your system for up to thirty days? From the air you breathe to the food you eat, toxins abound, and getting them out of your system is an absolute must. If you've never detoxed before, though, you may be hesitant. Here are a few reasons you should consider it immediately.

#1 - Remove Toxins from the Body

This one is almost a given. The toxins that we have in our body due to the pollutants out there in our everyday lives can have adverse affects on our body’s immune system, behavior, and metabolism, and they can even lead to disease.  The removal of these toxins can help in the prevention many fairly serious conditions.

#2 - Boost the Immune System

Regular detoxing will help bolster and boost your body’s immune system, which is important since an improperly working immune system can make your body susceptible to catching a cold, the flu or other diseases that are out there and waiting for everyone.

#3 - Help in Losing Weight

Detoxing can be very beneficial before a person begins any diet since the toxins in a body can affect the body’s ability to burn body fat.  Detoxing will also increase the body’s metabolism, which will help with weight loss.

#4 - Improve Skin Condition

The toxins in a person’s body definitely have an adverse affect on the skin, and detoxing can not only lead to healthier skin, but it can also assist with eliminating acne and give your skin a much better appearance.

#5 - Prevent Early Aging

Detoxing can eliminate the pollutants, heavy metals and free radicals that are partly responsible for early aging.  It will also help increase the body’s natural nutrient absorption that can help with the fight against oxidative stress that can lead to cellular degeneration.

Herbal Clean makes of some of the best detox products on the market today and can help eliminate the toxins in a person’s body in a safe manner and with peace of mind.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Getting Healthy

Statistics suggest that almost half of all Americans make a New Year's resolution or two each year, yet just 8% of people stick with them. There are lots of reasons people can't stay with those resolutions, but one of the most common is that they're just too ambitious. Why not consider something a bit more practical this year. Maybe you should just resolve to be healthier. Wondering how you can follow up with something like that? These tips can help.

Go to the Doctor

The best place to start with your New Year’s resolution to get healthier is by going to the doctor and let him determine how healthy you are.  He may suggest certain things in your life that you might want to change to get on the road to a healthy you.

Eat Well

Instead of going on a binge diet that you can't stick to, why not just eat better this year?  Try leaner meats, more green vegetables, lay off the soda and limit your alcohol consumption.   You can also limit the amount of non natural sugar that you eat.

Start an Exercise Program

When trying to become healthier it’s very important to exercise regularly.  That doesn’t mean that you have to kill yourself with exercise.  It means that you need to either get about 2 1/2 hours of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of more vigorous aerobic exercise every week.

Quit Smoking

If you smoke, you really need to do your best to quit because every time you pick up a cigarette, you're hampering your efforts at a healthier lifestyle.

Lose the Stress

Research has shown that stress can compromise your nervous system, your immune system, and even your cardiovascular system. Unfortunately, stress is everywhere - work, home, and even school in many cases. There are lots of great stress relieving tactics, though, that are easier than you think to try. From mediation to exercise, make a commitment to finding one that works for you.

Detox Routinely

At Herbal Clean, we know the power of a full body cleanse and Premium Detox is the perfect way to help you reach your goals, it is an easy to use, gentle 7 day cleanse. If you've been exposed to toxins within the last 30 days from stress, smoking, or poor eating habits, those toxins may still be present in your body. If you're looking for faster clean, we can help you get the special blend of herbs your body really needs. Take a look at our product line now, and learn more about what makes Herbal Clean the perfect way to achieve your healthy commitment in the new year.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Thinking of beginning a diet?

You might want to consider a cleanse first. By removing all of the harmful toxins from your body, you can amp up the fat burn quickly. One of the best cleanses to take before a diet is, Herbal Clean’s Simply Slender Master Cleanse. Visit Herbal Clean to learn more. 

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

New Year’s Resolutions – Weight Loss

Face it - New Year's Resolutions abound these days, and one of the single most common is losing weight. By the time Valentine's Day rolls around, though, the resolution is gone and the pounds are back. Is there any way to actually keep it off this year? Absolutely. Take a look.

Be Practical

Nothing will stop weight loss faster than the disappointment that can happen when unrealistic and impractical goals are made. You're not going to lose fifty pounds in the span of a few weeks. When you make that resolution, don't make it one you can't follow!  So, instead of swearing never to eat chocolate again, how about eating it less and changing the type that you eat?  For example, dark chocolate is much healthier than milk chocolate. Set your goals at a realistic level, and you're far more likely to stick to them.

Reward Yourself

Make certain that you make several short term goals towards making your ultimate goal.  Then reward yourself when you reach those short term goals.  For example, if your goal is to lose 20 pounds, reward yourself when you lose 5 pounds.  Make your reward one that doesn’t violate your diet, but one that you will enjoy nonetheless, like going out to a movie or buying a new outfit that looks great on you!

Make a Plan

When trying to lose weight do some research and find a weight loss plan that you can actually follow.  Many health plans have dieticians that can help you create the right diet to lose the weight.  Find one that truly works for you. Don't forget to incorporate exercise as well. It doesn't have to be hardcore. A simple walk around the neighborhood every night can help you keep that weight off.

Understand that No One is Perfect

Bad days happen. You're going to fall off the wagon at some point. When you slip up, start over. Don't simply give up. Find the motivation inside yourself to jump back on the wagon again.

Detox Regularly

Cleansing and detoxifying your body can be beneficial before starting any diet.  When eliminating the toxins in your body, make certain that you do it safely with our complete line.

Herbal Clean is here to help you stick to your New Year's resolutions with our products. From our line of detox drinks to choices like Simply Slender Master Cleanse, the original lemonade diet.  This easy to use premixed formula is the best choice for a 48 hour cleanse to jumpstart your weight loss plan.   You can combine it with Simply Slender FullCaps to help you achieve your goals.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Are there herbs to help with ED?

Although there are a number of products on the market that claims to combat erectile dysfunction, finding one that truly does the job can be tricky. Luckily, horny goat weed has helped for many men suffering from ED. learn more:

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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Cayenne – How it helps the Body’s Health

There are so many benefits of cayenne that it seems to be a wonder spice.  Not only does it spice up your food but it can increase your well being and health.  Here are just a few ways cayenne may prove beneficial to your health.

Joint and Pain Relief

Capsaicin, which is in cayenne, is also an ingredient found in many over-the-counter remedies for arthritis, joint and muscle pain.  Cayenne can cause temporary pain relief on the skin, which in turn sends chemical messengers to the joint and causes relief. 

Helps with Digestion

Cayenne is also helpful with digestion since it prompts the salivary glands and helps produce saliva, which is needed for proper digestion.  It also prompts the digestive tract and increases the flow of gastric juices along with enzyme production, which are necessary for proper digestion.

Cayenne Detox

Cayenne is also an excellent circulatory stimulant that basically brings the blood to the surface, which allows the toxins in our body to be removed. 

Weight Loss

Several studies have shown that cayenne pepper added to the diet helps increase the body temperature of the person and as a result it helped the body burn body fat. 

Heart Health

Studies have also shown that capsaicin which is found in cayenne helps to lower blood pressure and keep it at normal levels.  It can also help keep LDL cholesterol and triglycerides at the proper level as well.

Wondering how you can ensure cayenne becomes part of your regular routine? Consider Herbal Clean. Cayenne is an ingredient in many of our detox drinks, including our Ultra Eliminex Premium Detox, the authority in today's body cleansers. To learn more about the power of cayenne and our detox drinks, take a moment to contact us today.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Help with Food Allergies

Not only do detoxes rid your body of harmful toxins, it may even be able to help with food allergies and sensitivities. A detox can definitely help with this. Spending a week or 10 days cleansing your body and eliminating toxins can give you a fresh start and help restore your body’s natural balances. Learn more by visiting Herbal Clean today.

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Lepidium Meyeenii – Does it Really have Health Benefits?

The maca root, also known as Lepidium Meyeenii, a relative of the radish, is relatively safe to consume and has been consumed as a root vegetable for centuries by the people in the Andes Mountains.  It has also been used by these people medicinally for its many health benefits for centuries.  In fact, the Incans believed that the maca root had some extraordinary benefits in that it could enhance energy, increase stamina, increase sexual desire and endurance in a person, but are these health benefits a fact or merely wishful thinking?

The Plant

The part of the maca that has its most beneficial nutrients is its root.  The root is high in natural sugars, protein, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, fiber, amino acids as well as vitamins B1, B2, B12, C, E and K.  Unfortunately, not enough studies have been done to conclusively prove anything about  Lepidium Meyeenii.

The Potential Drawbacks

As a plant, Lepidium Meyeenii is often consumed by humans and livestock throughout South America, and while it's considered mostly safe in that form, it does contain glucosinolates. When consumption is high, as is often the case when it is in its supplement form, it can cause goiters. It's also been known to cause problems in those who already have high blood pressure issues, as it does cause a slight rise in blood pressure.

Is It Really An Aphrodisiac?

Many formulas focus on the aphrodisiac power of Lepidium Meyeenii. The simple truth, though, is that the studies to date on this supplement haven't proven anything. All of them have been so small that the scientific evidence standing behind it just isn't there.

Is Lepidium Meyeenii right for you? Herbal Clean does not use this herb in its detox cleanses but it we do think it has its uses.  Learn more about it online.