Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Are Detox Cleansers Safe?

Left in its natural state, the body is a fairly reliable machine.  It is capable of maintaining itself in many ways.  Unfortunately, our bodies are not really left in this optimum state in the modern world.  Pollutants in our air, water and food have bogged down this incredible machine and made is slower and less effective. 

Pollutants come from many sources. 
Even when we eat organic, “clean” foods there will still be traces of the toxins that slow the body’s mechanisms and systems down.  Detox cleansers help remove these toxins so that the body can rebound back into a more ideal condition.  A detox cleanse is an excellent way to start a diet, exercise or healthy lifestyle program.  (If you are pregnant, nursing or have any medical condition, be sure ask your physician if now is the best time to start a cleansing program.)

In large part, detox cleanses are considered safe and beneficial for the body.  Herbal Clean has been standing behinds its product line for more than 20 years so our ingredients and plans have long been proven.  We also offer a full money-back guarantee to show how confident we are in our products.

Not every brand is as reliable as Herbal Clean.  There are “cleansing” ingredients that aren’t as trustworthy as ours.  While nature generally knows best, not every natural ingredient is healthy when ingested.  For example, many cleansers include an ingredient called Senna. It is an herbal stimulant laxative.  While eliminating waste and cleansing the colon is important facet of a detox cleanse, it’s not the main focus.  This ingredient, when used for too long or into high a concentration, can damage your liver, something no one wants to see in an herbal, safe cleanser. The trick is to look carefully at the ingredients listing of any cleanser you’re considering and do your research. Learn more about what might work for you and what you should avoid. The more you know about what you’re putting in your body, the more you know about what you may need to cleanse your body from at a later date.

Steer clear of the potentially dangerous compounds and your cleanse should be a much safer and healthier process.  Remember to always read the ingredients list on any product and know what you’re taking before your take it.  Depend on Herbal Clean to enhance your sense of well-being by cleansing your body of toxins without stripping the very vitamins and minerals it needs to operate.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What is Milk Thistle?

Have you seen this ingredient listed on a cleansing product label?  Did you know what it was?  It sounds strange but it’s really a good friend to your body.  Read on to learn more about this helpful herb.

Milk thistle is a flowering herb related to the daisy family.  Native to Mediterranean lands, it has been used as a medicinal herb for more than two centuries.  Pliny the Elder, who lived from 23AD to 79AD and was perhaps Ancient Rome’s finest historian, naturalist and author, wrote of the milk thistle’s ability to “carry off bile”. 

Milk thistle has long been believed to be a natural remedy for liver dysfunction.  It’s primary active ingredient is silymarin.  Silymarin has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  It’s a potent ingredient that needs more modern research to back up the reputation it has earned over the past two millennia.

The studies that have been performed in more recent times are showing very promising results.  Some early research showed that it could aid those with alcohol-related liver problems.  Another study showed encouraging results for some whose livers had been damaged by industrial toxins like xylene and toluene.  It’s also being researched for its possible positive effects on type-2 diabetes and high cholesterol.  Hopefully, more researches will look to this herb for answers.

All of this makes milk thistle an important ingredient for a detox cleanse.  Many toxins are stored in the liver and this important organ is responsible for cleaning and maintaining your blood.  It breaks down old and damaged blood cells and it breaks down fat too.  It helps produce energy so if you’re feeling sluggish, milk thistle might just be the cleansing ingredient you need.

It takes more than one system to run the body and more than one ingredient to help the body do its work.  Milk thistle is certainly one to look for but read up on some of the other natural ingredients in Herbal Clean products to see which one is right for you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Ridding Your Body of Toxins Naturally

Your body is being bombarded every day by toxins and impurities.  You might not realize it but they are building up inside you every day, even right now.  No matter how much effort you put into your diet and exercise routines, you are still constantly taking in toxins that can adversely affect your health and overall sense of well-being.

tissues are like sponges.  They absorb whatever comes into the body whether the substance is a nutrient, a vital mineral or a toxin.  Pesticides, carcinogens, medications and many environmental pollutants are seeping into your tissues all the time. 

The body doesn’t really know what to do with these substances.  When your body isn’t sure how to deal with something or how to process it out, it tends to store it up.  Your systems can hang on to these chemicals and toxins for very long periods of time.  Sometimes, alarmingly long periods of time!  Certain toxins are known to remain in the body for a month or longer and each week, each day, brings in a fresh supply.

Eventually, it figures out that these aren’t necessary substances and begins the process of getting rid of them.  But the body’s methods are complex and not very fast.  Sometimes, it requires a little help.  You need a way to help your systems rid themselves of these substances without compromising the things your body needs like vitamins and minerals. 

Your circulatory, digestive and urinary systems can all benefit from a natural cleansing product.  Herbal Clean has products that can specifically target each of these systems and aid in its work.  It’s important to use natural products for this type of cleanse so that they are safe and easy for the body to utilize.

Not all cleansing products are natural.  Some have high levels of refined sugar and that will do precious little good to your systems.  Other may use harsh stimulants or laxative that will drain your body’s resources and make the situation worse.

You can count on Herbal Clean’s combination of all-natural herbs to support your body.  We’ve got over 20 years of experience and satisfied customers to back up our products.


Friday, May 8, 2015

The Importance of Water in a Detox Cleanse

You know you need to drink more water.  We probably all do!  Pure, clean water is one of the main building blocks in your body and a necessary part of your diet.  After all, your amazing body is comprised of between 50% and 75% water depending on your gender and age.  When performing a detox cleanse, this critical substance takes on an even more important role.

Dehydration is all too common even in the US, where everyone seems to be carrying a drink at all times.  We simply do not give our bodies the pure water they need most.  We try to quench our thirst with mocha lattes, colas, energy drinks, sports drinks and other chemical-laden beverages because they satisfy our sweet tooth, not our cells.  In reality, the only way to really hydrate your body’s cellular structure properly is with water.

Drinking plain old water is one of the most basic forms of assisting the body in its efforts to cleanse itself.  Water, fiber and exercise are all very rudimentary cleansing methodology.  Water flushes toxins from the body by diluting them and then carrying them away to be excreted through the urinary tract.  Staying well hydrated is the best way to keep this system running at peak efficiency.

Detox cleanses support this system and its effects.  Drinking plenty of water at a comfortable yet consistent pace will help flood the unwanted substances out of your body.  Giving your urinary tract plenty of pure water will help it flush impurities away, leaving the important nutrients, minerals and vitamins to be digested and utilized by your cells. 

Since cleansing by its nature speeds up the body’s elimination systems, it can often encourage a higher volume of waste.  That means you may feel the need to urinate more frequently than you typically do.  Staying hydrated by drinking added amounts of pure water will prevent your body from flushing out too much of this vital substance during your cleanse.

Be sure to read and comply with the directions on the label of your cleansing product.  It should tell you how much water to drink and how frequently depending on the strength of the product.  Don’t ignore this important step.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Completing a Full Body Detox: A How To Guide

Think you need a full body detox? You’re not alone. Many people give it a try and feel great afterward, but if this is your first time, you may not even know where to begin. This guide can help you get through the first detox.

Why Detox?
Detoxing is great in all of these situations because it helps to rest and cleanse your body on the inside. You’re literally flushing all of the toxins out of your system and replacing them with healthy nutrients. Few things could be more natural and satisfying for your body.
f you’ve never experienced one before, you may wonder why you should consider detoxing at all. Perhaps you’re feeling a bit sluggish. Maybe you’re just out of sync with the way you normally feel. Some people even choose to detox when they start experiencing skin problems, digestive issues, and day to day aches and pains.

How Does It Work?
Detoxing can work in a number of different ways, but in most cases, you’ll use a product that helps to remove impurities from your liver, kidneys, and intestines. In turn, this will remove the other impurities in your body and help to filter them out by stimulating the liver and promoting elimination.

Get Started!
The best way to try a full body detox is to simply jump in! The very first thing you’ll want to do is choose a detox product that’s right for you. If you don’t have a lot of time on your hands, you’ll want to go with a rapid detox product that can be tackled in a day. If you have some time, though, and this is your first detox, you may want to go the slower route to help eliminate more toxins from your body. You may want to begin by eliminating toxins in your everyday life for a few weeks. Things like alcohol, coffee, and refined sugars should really be dropped, but so should household chemicals and healthcare products like shampoo. Try, also, to eliminate some of the stress from your life, as that can cause your body to function poorly.

Begin by reading the directions on the detox product you chose. It will typically have an extensive plan to follow, letting you know what foods to eat and when as well as how much water to drink. Staying hydrated during the entire process is essential, because detoxing and cleansing your system from chemicals takes quite a bit of water. In most cases, you’ll want to consume about two quarts of water every single day.

After you finish your detox, work to purify other areas of your life. Drink water and green tea on a regular basis. Transform your diet as well as your stress level. You may also want to consider weekly visits to a sauna so your body can further eliminate the waste buildup.

Detoxing is a great way to change your whole life. Give it a try today.