Friday, May 8, 2015

The Importance of Water in a Detox Cleanse

You know you need to drink more water.  We probably all do!  Pure, clean water is one of the main building blocks in your body and a necessary part of your diet.  After all, your amazing body is comprised of between 50% and 75% water depending on your gender and age.  When performing a detox cleanse, this critical substance takes on an even more important role.

Dehydration is all too common even in the US, where everyone seems to be carrying a drink at all times.  We simply do not give our bodies the pure water they need most.  We try to quench our thirst with mocha lattes, colas, energy drinks, sports drinks and other chemical-laden beverages because they satisfy our sweet tooth, not our cells.  In reality, the only way to really hydrate your body’s cellular structure properly is with water.

Drinking plain old water is one of the most basic forms of assisting the body in its efforts to cleanse itself.  Water, fiber and exercise are all very rudimentary cleansing methodology.  Water flushes toxins from the body by diluting them and then carrying them away to be excreted through the urinary tract.  Staying well hydrated is the best way to keep this system running at peak efficiency.

Detox cleanses support this system and its effects.  Drinking plenty of water at a comfortable yet consistent pace will help flood the unwanted substances out of your body.  Giving your urinary tract plenty of pure water will help it flush impurities away, leaving the important nutrients, minerals and vitamins to be digested and utilized by your cells. 

Since cleansing by its nature speeds up the body’s elimination systems, it can often encourage a higher volume of waste.  That means you may feel the need to urinate more frequently than you typically do.  Staying hydrated by drinking added amounts of pure water will prevent your body from flushing out too much of this vital substance during your cleanse.

Be sure to read and comply with the directions on the label of your cleansing product.  It should tell you how much water to drink and how frequently depending on the strength of the product.  Don’t ignore this important step.

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