Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Are They (Toxins) in You?

Toxins can hide in strange places, many of which we never even think about. And they can be absorbed by the body within a few hours of being consumed through eating or drinking, or being breathed in from the air. Unfortunately, the body’s natural detoxification process is complex and slow. Whether it’s pesticides on your food, carcinogens in the plastic containers we eat out of, prescription drugs, or any number of other pollutants hiding in everyday-use items, the human body can store toxins for long periods of time. Eventually, your body begins to feel the effect. 

Conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables, and the food products they’re used in are treated with pesticides that, even after washing, can leave dangerous amounts of residue behind. Many common food preservatives, as well as the linings of the cans they’re contained in, have been labeled as cancer-causing. Artificial dyes and coloring have been linked to neurological disorders like ADHD. Your body is absorbing these things, and much more, on a daily basis, and remaining in body tissue for a long time.

Herbal Clean knows how to kick the body into high gear to give you the optimal cleansing effect to safely remove these toxins on the very same day you want to be clean. With years of research and product formulation behind our products, you can trust Herbal Clean when you need to detox effectively. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit HerbalClean.com and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC. 

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