Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Exercise Can Help Your Detox Regimen

Detoxing is one of the single best things you can do for your body, but if you're a bit worried about how a detox will affect your normal exercise routine, you're not alone. It's only natural to be a bit concerned. Fortunately, though, you can rest easy. Exercise can actually begin the natural detox process and start flushing out all of the toxins that are in the body thanks to one simple process - SWEAT! Before you hit the gym, though, you may want to adjust your workout a little. Take a look.

How Does It Work?

The sweat you produce during a normal workout helps to eliminate the waste buildup in your body. It comes dripping out of your pores as soon as you hit the gym, giving your body the jumpstart it needs to clean and purify your body.

There are also studies that show cardiovascular exercise aids in the digestion and the metabolism of your food, so those who exercise while they detox will have less toxins moving around in their body.  Simply put, the physical movement of your exercising will help stimulate your digestion and will help generate a boost in your metabolism since your body uses more energy to move around when exercising. 

My Normal Workout Or Something Different?

You may not want to tackle your full, typical workout routine during a detox. In fact, you should make certain that the exercise regimen that you are doing along with your detox is not overly difficult or stressful on your body.  It is quite important to ensure that your exercises are not more than your body can handle since your body is already using energy with your detox.  You simply want to incorporate some light cardiovascular exercise while you a detox to achieve the best results.  A few exercises you may want to consider include biking, light jogging, swimming, or a good dance routine. Yoga is another great one to consider, as studies have shown that certain yoga poses such as twisting poses can help improve your blood circulation and stimulate the organs that are needed for digestion and detoxification.  Yoga can also help relax a person and improve their mood during a detox.

A twenty to thirty minute workout is probably your best bet while you're detoxing. Avoid high impact workouts during this time, as it might be too much for your body to cope with and leave you feeling faint.

Whether you're detoxing or not, exercise is the most important thing you can do for your body. Just keep in mind that you should be fairly moderate in your approach and be respectful of your body to get the most out of your next detox.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Best Ways to Keep Your Resolutions

At the beginning of the year, many of us made our resolutions. By now, though, they're starting to become a bit difficult to keep. How do you hang onto those resolutions and keep moving forward? Take a look.

First, take a closer look at the resolution itself. Was it practical? Nothing leads to failure more than making a resolution that is far too difficult to achieve. If your resolution falls into that category, it might be time to adjust things a bit. Imagine, for example, your resolution was losing 100 pounds in the next four months. Something like twenty pounds is a far more realistic goal. Adjust your resolution, and you'll be more likely to stick with it.

You may also want to look at the number of resolutions you can actually handle. If you make more than you can handle, you're going to be looking at failure in a hurry. If, for example, you've resolved to lose weight, quit smoking, and spend every Saturday studying at the library, you're looking at some major life changes. It's really best to limit your resolutions so you only have to deal with one shift at a time.

Think in specific terms as well. An ambiguous resolution to lose weight is great, but one to lose ten pounds is better. It gives you a goal that you can actually work toward instead of just general terms that may prove tough to follow.  Including specific steps and goals can be very helpful here. Perhaps promising to lose two pounds a week until you hit your ten pound goal is just right. The most important thing is to find the action steps that will get you to your goal.

Finally, make certain that you realize no one is perfect. Everyone slips when it comes to those resolutions for the new year. When that happens to you, just hop back on the bandwagon the next day and start working toward your goal.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How Long Can Toxins Stay In Your Body?

Toxins - they're in the air we breathe and in the food and water we consume every day, and if you want to be healthy, it's essential they get removed from your body. Constant exposure, though, may lead you to wonder just how long they can stick around. Unfortunately, the answer to that question isn't always an easy one.

There are a number of variables that change the length toxins might stay in your body. Your metabolism is one, but your weight, body mass, height, and even the environment in which you live all shift that equation. What's more, though, is that different toxins can stay in your body for different rates of time. On average, industry leaders say that number is about 30 days.

What Are They?

Wondering exactly what those toxins are that are out there? Packaged foods, tap water, environmental factors like cigarette smoke and even household chemicals are entering your body every single day.

Why Does It Matter?

Wondering why it matters so much that the toxins are sticking around? They have a pretty serious impact on your body's immune system, behavior, and more. They can lead to weight gain, poor digestive health, skin problems, nausea, and more. Removing the toxins is one of the single best ways to stay healthy.

Need a quick detox? We can help. Take a look at our full line now and find one that meets your needs.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Benefits of Simply Slender FullCaps

One of the worst problems that people have when dieting is that horrible feeling of being hungry.  Without it, you could easily stick to your diet, eat less, and lose the weight, right?  Simply Slender FullCap can help. By promoting the feeling of fullness throughout the day, you'll eat less, then you can watch the pounds fall off week after week.

Included in Simply Slender FullCaps is all natural glucomannan, which comes from the konjac root.  It's easily one of the best fibers you can use because it's calorie free. By the use of glucomannan along with other dietary fiber, Simply Slender FullCaps help dump the hunger problem when you're trying to lose weight.  It helps suppress your appetite and support regularity, while providing you with the high fiber needed to give you that feeling of fullness that will help you eat less and decrease your fat and calorie intake.

Wondering how it works? It's easy, really. Glucomannan, which is a main ingredient of Simply Slender FullCaps, is a natural water-soluble dietary fiber that's pulled from the naturally growing konjac root.  It's not just used in products like ours. In fact, it's so safe it is routinely added to flours and pastas.  The key to glucomannan’s success in weight loss is its remarkable ability to absorb water, and because of that, it is one of the best natural dietary fibers out there.  Its success in helping to promote weight loss is believed to come from the fact that it has low calorie content and takes up space in the stomach, which makes you feel full faster. What's more, though, is that it delays the emptying of the stomach and it reduces the absorption of fat to help further your weight loss.

To use Simply Slender FullCaps in your weight loss program, just take 2 or 3 capsules along with 8 ounces of water 30 to 45 minutes before eating your two biggest meal.  It is very important to make certain that the full amount of water is taken when taking this dietary supplement or choking could occur.  Explore the power of Simply Slender FullCaps now.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Benefits of Uva Ursi Leaf

Uva ursi, which is also called bearberry since bears love to eat the shrub, is an herb that is native to cool climates in North America, northern Europe and parts of Asia.  The plant is a small shrub whose leaves remain green year round.  It also has flowers that turn into sour berries, which bears love.  The uva ursi leaf is the part of the plant that herbalists use medicinally.  It has many common uses, and it's included in our products for good reason!

The uva ursi leaf has been used by Native Americans, Chinese and others throughout the world to treat a number of different conditions. Thanks to its soothing and tissue repairing properties, it's the perfect way to soothe, strengthen, and tighten those inflamed tissues. Take a look at just a few of the other benefits now:

  • Aiding Weight Loss: Uva ursi helps prevent water retention and painful bloating, and that can be ideal when you're trying to lose those extra pounds.
  • Antioxidant Power: Much has been written about the virtues of antioxidants, and uva ursi has shown that the antioxidants inside counter the effects of those free radicals which may be responsible for a number of different illnesses and cellular damage. In laboratory tests, uva ursi extract showed a total antioxidant activity of 91.85 percent.
  • Treating Back Pain: When you consume uva ursi it can elevate vitamin C level, which can help to refresh your entire system
  • Easing Bronchitis: If you fight bronchitis on a regular basis, you know what it's like to deal with the mucus and phlegm that just doesn't seem to disappear. Uva ursi can help by calming the inflammation and inhibiting mucus production.

Ready to experience this powerful ingredient for yourself? Take a look at our full product line now.