Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Improving Circulation in your Blood

Poor blood circulation can take a toll on your body in many ways.  A few of the symptoms of poor blood circulation include poor concentration and focus, fatigue, and swelling in feet and legs.  Likewise, you will know something is wrong if you feel an unusual sensation of tingling in your hands or feet.  When fingers and toes (your extremities) get cold more often than not, and for no apparent reasons, or if your skin has a bluish tint to it, or if you notice especially slow healing times for wounds, you should begin to give the circulation of blood flow in your body some serious thought.

Causes of Poor Circulation

Poor blood circulation can be caused by a number of factors, including lack of activity in your lifestyle, plaque and build-up in your veins and arteries, or a weak heart, just to name a few.  If you smoke, nicotine use is one of the leading causes of poor circulation.

What is Your Lifestyle Like?

Whether you are sitting at a computer screen all day, or on your feet all day, if you come home and just collapse in a chair to veg out in front of the TV for the rest of the night because your body feels too mentally or physically drained to do anything else, you are a prime candidate for poor blood circulation.  Your eating habits can also contribute to poor blood flow.  Foods you should be eating include vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.  Stay away from processed foods, or foods with lots of salt, sugar, or that are high in unhealthy fat content.

Results of Poor Circulation

If your body has poor blood circulation, your body’s blood flow is impaired and your heart carries a heavier burden than it should have to.  Poor blood circulation plays a role to some degree in nearly every disease, from diabetes to dementia, and from cirrhosis of the liver to the common flu.  Poor circulation can also result in having a stroke, heart attack, kidney disease, and even eye disease.  Proper blood circulation is essential to good health.

Your lymphatic system works in conjunction with your cardiovascular system to keep blood levels and lymphatic fluid levels balanced and primed to help eliminate toxins from your body.  They also carry immune cells throughout your body to help fight infection.  If circulation isn’t operating at optimum performance, your body will have a tough time getting rid of all its toxins.

What Can You Do To Improve Blood Circulation?

A detox product can help get your blood circulating again, along with drinking plenty of water, eating healthy, and getting the right kind of cardio exercises and strength training.  When your body’s systems are bogged down with plaque build-up, toxins, and pollutants, and your blood circulation system is poor, a healthy blend of herbs and minerals can give your body the jump-start it needs.  Cleansing and detoxing your body’s systems can help put the balance back where it belongs, giving your body a much-needed boost to better health and energy.

People turn to detox solutions more and more these days because the pressure is just too great on the body to eliminate all the toxins itself.  Living in the today’s environment calls for smart thinking to take the best care possible of your body.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Rethinking Ginseng

Although people have been known to use ginseng to make medicine, it has dangerous side effects. From insomnia to breast pain, erratic blood pressures, increased heart rate, it is best to steer clear of this dangerous herb. Learn more by visiting Herbal Clean today.

ginseng 2.png

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Has Red Clover Proven Itself Useful?

While once there was hope for medicinal purposes to Red Clover, the findings thus far have proven just the opposite – to not be helpful in many areas.  Scientific evidence hasn’t found any pot of gold at the end of the Red Clover rainbow, at least not yet.  It has shown not to be effective in helping reduce the number of, or symptoms of, hot flashes in women, nor has it shown any positive effect on improving high cholesterol, which at one time was touted.  In fact, in large doses (tested on animals), it has seemed to cause sterility.

Varying Kinds of Red Clover

One must remember, as with most all herbs, that there are many different kinds of Red Clover.  As well, when researchers experiment with a substance, it is introduced in any number of dosage amounts and coupled with a wide variety of other elements to produce benefit.  While early research may have suggested some positive attribute to Red Clover against fighting cancer, some of those affirmations have now been dispelled stemming from further studies.  Different forms of Red Clover have gone through stages of experimentation, and the findings are far from conclusive with regard to any positive benefits.

Red Clover and Detox Products

As a rule, it would be considered wise to stay away from Red Clover in detox products.  After all, the reason for detox and cleansing is to rid the body of pollutants and toxins.  You want to know that the blend of good herbs and minerals you are cleansing your body with has already gone through scientific testing and has passed with flying colors.  You want to be assured that the detox product you choose has been manufactured in a GMP-accredited facility that has a reputation for high quality products.

Proper detoxification of the body should not be left to chance; there should be no question in your mind to the authenticity and guarantee of the cleansing and detox product you choose.  You are cleansing your body to help make it healthier and to aid it in functioning to the best of its abilities.  Ensure you choose the best product available – your body deserves 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Is Uva Ursi Leaf the Right Ingredient for your Detox?

Your body needs cleansing from the pollutants that are all around us in today’s environment.  What pollutants? some may ask.  The ones in the very air we breathe; the foods we eat; the beverages we drink; and even the medications we may take.  The air in much of the world today carries varying degrees of chemicals, pesticides, and other carcinogens that we can’t help but breathe in on a daily basis.  How can you help your body survive in such tough circumstances?  By using a safe and scientifically proven mix of natural herbs and minerals to detox the body’s systems.

Natural Ingredients

Uva Ursi Leaf is one such natural ingredient that can help make a difference in your detox program.  What does Uva Ursi Leaf do?  For one, it can help combat urinary tract problems, such as infections.  It has been known to help alleviate bladder and kidney infections, as well as aid digestion.  It also fights inflammation in the urinary tract.

How Does It Work?

Uva Ursi Leaf contains Arbutin, which, inside the body, is converted to hydroquinone.  This converted substance assists in keeping a microbial balance in the urinary system, which then helps fight infections and irritations.  Consequently, it also helps support healthy immune functions.  At the same time, it has the power to soothe irritated tissues that may be inflamed by relaxing the surrounding muscles.

The properties held within the Uva Ursi Leaf lend themselves well to high performance when used in combination with other herbs and minerals to help the body naturally cleanse and detox.

Don’t entrust your body to just any detox program; choose one that won’t strip your body of all its nutrients and minerals along the way.  Natural herbs and minerals that have proven to be safe and reliable when cleaning the toxins out of the human body should be sought. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Is it Time you Joined the Detox Trend?

America is on a new path – recognition of the number of overweight people in this country and the journey on a new path to explore a healthier way of eating and living.  Perhaps it is finally getting through to the majority of Americans that we need to become more health-conscious.

Healthcare Industry

From the much-debated and much-talked about healthcare industry makeover to the trials and tribulations of trying to get healthier foods in our school system, people are starting to recognize the collective symptoms of addiction with unhealthy foods and behaviors.  Due to some of the healthcare changes, new initiatives have been created to get the populace on its feet and moving.  There is a new trend blowing through the air and it has to do with eating better and taking better care of your body.  It is promoting a newer, healthier you.

Can Detox Play a Part?

The answer is yes, most definitely.  Think about the myriad of foods and drinks that get stuffed into the human body each day.  It only makes sense that the body needs a good cleansing inside, as well as when we bathe the outside of the body.  Detoxing the body can get rid of pollutants and toxins that get into our system in any number of ways, from eating to breathing the sadly polluted air.  Doesn’t the body have a natural process for detoxification?  Yes, to some degree.  However, today’s environment contains more toxins than any one body should be asked to handle.  Your body needs some help and a detox product can go the extra mile for you.

Benefits of Detox

Detoxing your body can provide many benefits, from a proper cleansing, to aiding in weight loss, to giving you more energy.  By its very nature, it also helps your body reduce its dependency on sugar and other stimulants.  It can give you a truly “fresh start.”

When deciding on a detox product, make sure you choose one that has been tested and scientifically proven to be of benefit.  Also ensure it was manufactured in a proper GMC-accredited facility.  Get started today and give your body the best product available, with all natural herbs and minerals to treat it right.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What’s the Real Story behind Panax Ginseng?

People have been known to use the root of the plant Panax ginseng to make medicine to treat certain ailments.  It is important to note, however, that you do not confuse Panax ginseng with American or Siberian ginseng as they are very different forms.  Be very wary of this particular herb, as it is a known fact that the actual ingredients being packaged under this name can vary greatly.  There are many types of ginseng and you want to be very careful about which ones to choose and which ones may or may not be right for you.

Side Effects

Researchers who have studied Panax ginseng suggest that it could be harmful, especially with prolonged use.  One of the most common side effects is insomnia – having trouble getting to sleep and/or staying asleep.  Other side effects that have been known to occur with use of this herb are breast pain, erratic blood pressures, increased heart rate, menstrual problems, loss of appetite, headache, rash, dizziness, itching, diarrhea, vaginal bleeding, and mood changes, among others.  More rare side effects include severe liver damage, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and allergic reactions that can range from mild to severe.

Value During Cleansing and Detox

When considering a detox program to rid your body of unhealthy toxins that it most likely accumulates every day, you probably do not want a product that contains Panax ginseng.  It doesn’t seem to have any value that would be beneficial in an all-natural herbal and mineral detox product.  Quite the contrary, it can possibly create harmful and unwanted side effects.

Those wanting the best detox program available and are concerned about what is getting put into their system understand that the best blend of minerals and herbs have been formulated with a strategy in mind.  The grouping of minerals and herbs should have been tested by industry experts and assured of the high quality standards necessary to bring the most beneficial body cleansing product to you.  Put your trust in a brand that has proven itself over time.