Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Improving Circulation in your Blood

Poor blood circulation can take a toll on your body in many ways.  A few of the symptoms of poor blood circulation include poor concentration and focus, fatigue, and swelling in feet and legs.  Likewise, you will know something is wrong if you feel an unusual sensation of tingling in your hands or feet.  When fingers and toes (your extremities) get cold more often than not, and for no apparent reasons, or if your skin has a bluish tint to it, or if you notice especially slow healing times for wounds, you should begin to give the circulation of blood flow in your body some serious thought.

Causes of Poor Circulation

Poor blood circulation can be caused by a number of factors, including lack of activity in your lifestyle, plaque and build-up in your veins and arteries, or a weak heart, just to name a few.  If you smoke, nicotine use is one of the leading causes of poor circulation.

What is Your Lifestyle Like?

Whether you are sitting at a computer screen all day, or on your feet all day, if you come home and just collapse in a chair to veg out in front of the TV for the rest of the night because your body feels too mentally or physically drained to do anything else, you are a prime candidate for poor blood circulation.  Your eating habits can also contribute to poor blood flow.  Foods you should be eating include vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.  Stay away from processed foods, or foods with lots of salt, sugar, or that are high in unhealthy fat content.

Results of Poor Circulation

If your body has poor blood circulation, your body’s blood flow is impaired and your heart carries a heavier burden than it should have to.  Poor blood circulation plays a role to some degree in nearly every disease, from diabetes to dementia, and from cirrhosis of the liver to the common flu.  Poor circulation can also result in having a stroke, heart attack, kidney disease, and even eye disease.  Proper blood circulation is essential to good health.

Your lymphatic system works in conjunction with your cardiovascular system to keep blood levels and lymphatic fluid levels balanced and primed to help eliminate toxins from your body.  They also carry immune cells throughout your body to help fight infection.  If circulation isn’t operating at optimum performance, your body will have a tough time getting rid of all its toxins.

What Can You Do To Improve Blood Circulation?

A detox product can help get your blood circulating again, along with drinking plenty of water, eating healthy, and getting the right kind of cardio exercises and strength training.  When your body’s systems are bogged down with plaque build-up, toxins, and pollutants, and your blood circulation system is poor, a healthy blend of herbs and minerals can give your body the jump-start it needs.  Cleansing and detoxing your body’s systems can help put the balance back where it belongs, giving your body a much-needed boost to better health and energy.

People turn to detox solutions more and more these days because the pressure is just too great on the body to eliminate all the toxins itself.  Living in the today’s environment calls for smart thinking to take the best care possible of your body.

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