Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Easy Detox Cleanse Made Easy!

Toxins just happen; they are a by-product of life.  They can get into the body through foods and environmental contaminants.  They live in your kidneys, liver, urinary system, and bowels until your body naturally expels them.  Your body has a process that, if it’s working correctly, will dispel these toxins every 30 days or so.  If you eat well, drink lots of fluids, and exercise regularly, your body will take better care of you.  If you want to get those toxins out of your body sooner, however, try an herbal cleanse detox product.

What do you need for a full body cleanse?

  • You need to drink lots of fluids, most especially water.
  • The right herbal cleanse detox product that is safe for your body.
  • The right combination of herbs that will give back to your circulatory, digestive, and urinary system the essential ingredients they need to maintain optimal function.
  • You need to replenish the essential nutrients your body needs and uses on a daily basis.

How do I choose the right detox product?

You really need to know about your body’s toxin level.  Is it high, average, or low?  It is important to correctly identify this factor so the product you choose won’t offer too much or too little in the way of herbal ingredients.  You want a successful body cleanse just suited for your body’s needs. Along with the level of toxins, you need to be aware of your muscle mass.  Do you have a lot of muscle with very little body fat?  Or do you have a body that would be considered average in muscle tone with average body fat?  Or do you have very little muscle mass with a lot of body fat?  Some detox products are structured to higher levels of toxins or lower levels; however, some products can fit a more generic description and would be acceptable for all body types.  You need to choose the one right for you.

What makes some detox products different?

Check out the ingredients.  Some products can contain mostly sugar water while others contain random pairings of herbs that really make no sense when trying to cleanse your body.  A jumbled assortment of herbs cannot compare to a special blend of just the right herbs to help detox your body quickly and easily.  Each herb chosen should have properties that are specifically helpful to detoxing and cleansing your body.

How Easy and Quick Is It?

When you use an Herbal Clean product, it works the same day.  Approximately 90 minutes after you drink our product, and follow it up with another container of water, following our instructions, your body will be free of toxins.  You are cleanest on day one with our top of the line same day cleansers. For daily maintenance, you might want to consider adding our QPretox into your daily routine. .  Learn more about the right detox for you by Herbal Clean today. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Juniper Berry – One of the Best Possible Ingredients To Consider

Juniper berries are used for many conditions, including digestion problems, heartburn, and to help treat UTIs, and kidney and bladder stones.  People have been making medicine from the juniper berry for many years.  The berries grow on Juniper trees, which are short to medium in height.  A wide variety of Juniper trees exist in North America, Europe, and Asia.

What health issues can they help?

Juniper is often used to treat upset stomachs, bloating, heartburn, flatulence (intestinal gas), intestinal worms, GI infections, and the loss of appetite.  It has also be helpful in treating snakebite, cancer, and diabetes issues.

Juniper Berries

These berries are frequently used as a flavoring ingredient and a condiment in foods.  They were once used as a spice in European cuisine.  All juniper trees grow berries but some can be too bitter to eat; therefore, only the edible ones are used in foods, flavorings, and beverages like gin.  Technically, while the berry looks like a round berry, it is actually a cone structure that just resembles a berry shape.

Juniper Oil and Extract

The essential oil extracted from juniper berries is often used to treat bronchitis through inhalation as a vapor.  It can numb pain as well.  It can also be applied directly to wounds on the skin and for help with alleviation of pain in joints and muscles.  It is also widely used in soaps and cosmetics, including makeup foundation, lipstick, eye shadow, bubble bath, bath oils, and hair conditioners.

How Does it Work?

Juniper berries have ingredients that are known to be helpful in reducing gas and inflammation.  They also have properties that can help fight viruses and bacteria.  You can ingest them or rub their extract on your skin to take advantage of their healthful properties.

As with all supplements, always pay attention to dosing instructions and follow recommended cautions.  Juniper berries have been known to have positive effects on a number of conditions when used in the manner directed. Learn more about juniper berries and all of its health benefits by visiting

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Detox Cleanse Made Easy

When selecting the right detox cleanse for your body, you really need to know about your body’s toxin level so the product won’t offer too much or too little in the way of herbal ingredients. Some detox products are structured to higher levels of toxins or lower levels; however, some products can fit a more generic description and would be acceptable for all body types. Learn more about the right detox for you by visiting our website today.

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Detoxing Your Body – A How To

Take the first step and look into a detox drink containing minerals and herbs that will promote safe and effective cleansing.  These often 16-ounce drinks can come in different flavors to please your palate while cleansing your body.  Check out the cleansing solutions that have been formulated with a special mix of mineral and a carefully crafted blend of detox cleansing herbs.

Things To Know Before Cleansing
Drink water: lots of water!  It is essential to the cleansing process.  It is best to consume these ready-to-drink beverages composed of a specially blended formula on an empty stomach.  Be prepared for frequent urination as this is how the body expels toxins and gets cleansed.  You will notice especially frequent urination after the first hour of consuming the product.  This is normal and is to be expected and, in fact, is a very necessary part of the cleansing process.

Now You Are Ready
You know what to prepare for and what to expect.  Now you ready to set the natural detoxification process in motion.  Shake the container up to make sure the ingredients are well-blended and drink all 16 ounces at a consistent pace, while still making the process comfortable for you.  Refill the bottle with water and drink it down in the same fashion, at a comfortable yet consistent pace.  Stay close to the restroom and be prepared to urinate frequently for the first hour or two.  Remember, urinating is expelling toxins from your body.  This formula is designed to rid your body of toxins the very same day you drink it.  Get your body cleansed quickly and easily.

How Does It Work?
Herbal Clean’s unique blend of essential minerals and herbs come together to help rid your body of accumulated toxins by flushing them out, all in one day.  This special combination was designed to work in just a few hours, whereas it might take your body a month or more on its own to eventually rid your body of its toxins.

This impressive detox cleansing formula helps eliminate toxins from your body simply and in one day. Without this natural blend of herbs and minerals helping, that process would normally take a lot longer.  Get toxins out of your body fast with this natural detox cleansing formula. Learn more about all of our detox option by visiting us online today.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Are You Eating High Toxin Foods?

If you are eating a lot of fast food or over processed meals, you are probably digesting high levels of toxins. If you have been struggling with low energy, constipation, & indigestion for a prolonged period of time, it might be time for a detox solution designed to cleanse the body of these high toxins. Check out our detox products now

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Is Yohimbe Safe For Your Body?

Yohimbine is a chemical that comes from the bark of an evergreen tree named Yohimbe that is native to West Africa.  It has been reported to offer a number of health benefits.  There are a few problems with Yohimbe, however, such as the fact that dosages cannot be regulated well enough to be considered safe.  The reason for this is due to where the bark is taken from on the tree.  Who can be sure what part of the tree the bark was taken from? Who knows how it was cultivated, exported, and what has happened to is since its removal from the tree?  How much of the substance are you actually getting?

FDA Researchers

Studies performed by FDA researchers suggest that only a small percentage of yohimbine was found in the bark of the samples they tested.  For the treatment of erectile dysfunction, the prescription form of yohimbe is very strictly regulated.  Too large dose could cause a big drop in blood pressure, nausea, flushing of the face, and/or dizziness.  It can also increase your heart rate, which can parallel these other symptoms.  As well, depending on what other medications you’re taking, potential interactions could exist and some of these could be dangerous.

How Is It Supposed to Work?

Yohimbine can increase nerve impulses and blood flow to the penis or vagina.  Therefore, it has been used as a sexual stimulant.  However, it is always concerning when trying to trigger blood flow because there are a number of other health complications that could easily be worsened depending on how your body reacts to this chemical. Conditions that it was believed Yohimbe could be useful for in the early days and now research suggests that it is not helpful with include:
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Chest pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Diabetes
  • Enhanced exercise performance
Side Effects

The ingredient yohimbine in yohimbe bark has been known to cause sleep problems, agitation, high blood pressure, dizziness, tremors, sinus pain, drooling, headache, irritability, bloating, nausea, and a rash, just to name a few possibilities. Assessing a proper dosage of yohimbe is not easy and not enough research has been completed to ensure the safety of this chemical/herb.  When in doubt, it’s best to just avoid the use of this ingredient. To learn more visit our website at today

Friday, July 3, 2015

Cayenne Pepper For Your Health!

Cayenne Pepper is an amazing super food. It is a fabulous aid for the digestive process. It also stimulates the production and flow of gastric juices, which means that the body more quickly metabolizes food. Herbal Clean adds this super food into many of our body cleansers. This is not a new trend. Cayenne pepper has long been recognized for its unique properties, which make it an excellent tool for the natural treatment of many illnesses. Check it out today

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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Choosing the Right Detox Products

Not sure what type of detox might be perfect to meet your needs? There is one thing that you should be aware of; starvation programs are very rarely the best option. Find the category that fits you best, and then consider the following tips for a successful cleanse. Take a look at the different varieties now.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Choosing the Right Detox Products

Have you been gaining weight?  Are you trying to shed unwanted pounds, or are you just sick of feeling unhealthy?  Whatever your reason might be, a body cleanse can be a great way to get yourself back to a positive sense of well being.  A detox system can rid your body of offending toxins and help you work toward a thinner, healthier you, but there are hundreds upon hundreds of options, which can make it tough to choose the right one for you.  There is one thing that you should be aware of; starvation programs are very rarely the best option.  Instead, find the category that fits you best, and then consider the following tips for a successful cleanse.

Too much processed foods -- boxed, canned or pre-packaged?  
This category includes people from all walks of life.  You might be among them if you frequently visit vending machines, buy boxed meals, canned soups and sauces.  Generally the people who fall in this subgroup will report that they have reduced energy levels and have been consistently gaining weight over a prolonged period.

If this sounds like you, you might want to consider an all liquid cleansing diet, which is very intense and really gives the digestive system a break, while forcing the body to seek nourishment from stored fat cells.  A liquid diet increases hydration, reduces inflammation, and flushes the urinary tract.  This plan is amplified with the Super QCaps by Herbal Clean.

Food intolerances? 
Even if you don’t know that they exist, you may have trouble digesting certain foods, or you may simply eat too many for your body to properly process.  Do you eat a lot of red meat?  People in this group will typically report frequent sugar cravings and an abundance of stress.  Inflammation is generally a problem, leading to skin or scalp irritation, cancer scares, joint irritation, and worsened allergies.

For this subgroup, a vegan cleanse is recommended, in order to get some of the vitamins, nutrients, and anti-inflammatory benefits of vegetables. The vegan cleanse is perfectly combined with the Premium 7 Day Cleansing System.

A love of alcohol?
Even if you don’t drink overly frequently, you may fall in this segment of the population is you are eating a large number of salty snacks, carry weight in the waistline, and drink alcohol a couple of times per week.  You might also be tempted by fast food.

The goal for this group is generally weight loss.  For that reason, a cleanse high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories is recommended, to kick start the digestive system.  Consider meals that include avocado, berries, leafy green vegetables high-protein foods, and nuts.  Keep these meals very light, to make it easier for your digestive tract, and consider the benefits of the Simply Slender Master Cleanse.