Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Choosing the Right Detox Products

Have you been gaining weight?  Are you trying to shed unwanted pounds, or are you just sick of feeling unhealthy?  Whatever your reason might be, a body cleanse can be a great way to get yourself back to a positive sense of well being.  A detox system can rid your body of offending toxins and help you work toward a thinner, healthier you, but there are hundreds upon hundreds of options, which can make it tough to choose the right one for you.  There is one thing that you should be aware of; starvation programs are very rarely the best option.  Instead, find the category that fits you best, and then consider the following tips for a successful cleanse.

Too much processed foods -- boxed, canned or pre-packaged?  
This category includes people from all walks of life.  You might be among them if you frequently visit vending machines, buy boxed meals, canned soups and sauces.  Generally the people who fall in this subgroup will report that they have reduced energy levels and have been consistently gaining weight over a prolonged period.

If this sounds like you, you might want to consider an all liquid cleansing diet, which is very intense and really gives the digestive system a break, while forcing the body to seek nourishment from stored fat cells.  A liquid diet increases hydration, reduces inflammation, and flushes the urinary tract.  This plan is amplified with the Super QCaps by Herbal Clean.

Food intolerances? 
Even if you don’t know that they exist, you may have trouble digesting certain foods, or you may simply eat too many for your body to properly process.  Do you eat a lot of red meat?  People in this group will typically report frequent sugar cravings and an abundance of stress.  Inflammation is generally a problem, leading to skin or scalp irritation, cancer scares, joint irritation, and worsened allergies.

For this subgroup, a vegan cleanse is recommended, in order to get some of the vitamins, nutrients, and anti-inflammatory benefits of vegetables. The vegan cleanse is perfectly combined with the Premium 7 Day Cleansing System.

A love of alcohol?
Even if you don’t drink overly frequently, you may fall in this segment of the population is you are eating a large number of salty snacks, carry weight in the waistline, and drink alcohol a couple of times per week.  You might also be tempted by fast food.

The goal for this group is generally weight loss.  For that reason, a cleanse high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories is recommended, to kick start the digestive system.  Consider meals that include avocado, berries, leafy green vegetables high-protein foods, and nuts.  Keep these meals very light, to make it easier for your digestive tract, and consider the benefits of the Simply Slender Master Cleanse.

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