Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Juniper Berry – One of the Best Possible Ingredients To Consider

Juniper berries are used for many conditions, including digestion problems, heartburn, and to help treat UTIs, and kidney and bladder stones.  People have been making medicine from the juniper berry for many years.  The berries grow on Juniper trees, which are short to medium in height.  A wide variety of Juniper trees exist in North America, Europe, and Asia.

What health issues can they help?

Juniper is often used to treat upset stomachs, bloating, heartburn, flatulence (intestinal gas), intestinal worms, GI infections, and the loss of appetite.  It has also be helpful in treating snakebite, cancer, and diabetes issues.

Juniper Berries

These berries are frequently used as a flavoring ingredient and a condiment in foods.  They were once used as a spice in European cuisine.  All juniper trees grow berries but some can be too bitter to eat; therefore, only the edible ones are used in foods, flavorings, and beverages like gin.  Technically, while the berry looks like a round berry, it is actually a cone structure that just resembles a berry shape.

Juniper Oil and Extract

The essential oil extracted from juniper berries is often used to treat bronchitis through inhalation as a vapor.  It can numb pain as well.  It can also be applied directly to wounds on the skin and for help with alleviation of pain in joints and muscles.  It is also widely used in soaps and cosmetics, including makeup foundation, lipstick, eye shadow, bubble bath, bath oils, and hair conditioners.

How Does it Work?

Juniper berries have ingredients that are known to be helpful in reducing gas and inflammation.  They also have properties that can help fight viruses and bacteria.  You can ingest them or rub their extract on your skin to take advantage of their healthful properties.

As with all supplements, always pay attention to dosing instructions and follow recommended cautions.  Juniper berries have been known to have positive effects on a number of conditions when used in the manner directed. Learn more about juniper berries and all of its health benefits by visiting

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