Thursday, May 5, 2016

How Are Those Weight Loss Resolutions Going?

Did you know that this is the time of year when a whopping 75% of people have already given up on those New Year’s resolutions?  Actually, quite a few of them gave up within the first three weeks of January!  But by now, most people have given up on the goals they set at the beginning of the year, particularly as it relates to weight loss.  Why is that? 

Well, typically a resolution starts out on a high emotional note.  That good feeling of making something wonderful happen for ourselves keeps us riding high for a while – just long enough, in fact, for our bad habits to take over again.  The bigger problem is that while many people make wishes, they don’t make concrete plans to see those dreams come true.  This is particularly true of weight loss, which can be time consuming and difficult.  Many people don’t look toward a detox as part of their health solution – but they should.

Unfortunately, too many also associate detoxing with deprivation, hunger and weird experiences.  That is far from the truth!  In fact, many people cannot maintain their diet plans because they are addicted to sugar or have carb cravings they just can’t control.  The kinds of calories we consume can trigger our bodies to overproduce insulin, to store fat in the stomach area and a bunch of other weight loss blocking issues.

Putting nothing but good, wholesome and tasty ingredients in your body is the best way to cut cravings, create a healthy lifestyle and get rid of toxins that can build up just from daily exposure to cleaning chemicals, pollution and other irritants.  The problem may not be your willpower. The problem might be that you haven't tried Herbal Clean!

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