Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Did You Make A Resolution to Lose Weight This Year?

32% of Americans resolved to lose weight this year. Another 37% resolved to stay fit and healthy. One great way to lose weight and stay fit & healthy is by eating less. Simply Slender FullCaps from Herbal Clean help promote a feeling of fullness.

The Simply Slender FullCaps allow you to eat what you want, but because you feel fuller faster, you will likely reduce you consumption which will assist you in your weight loss goals. 

Pick up a bottle of Simply Slender FullCaps today and make that New Year’s resolution a reality!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Are You In Need of a Superior Cleanse?

When you need the world’s most sophisticated cleansing system, look to Herbal Clean’s Premium Detox. This complete cleansing program is designed to enhance your health and wellness through detoxification, natural herbs/supplements, proper nutrition and moderate exercise over a 7 day period. 

This cleansing method is for those individuals who have more time to detox and can stay away from unnecessary toxins during the 7 day cleansing period.  

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Herbal Clean QCarbo ranked #1 detox cleanse

There are hundreds of detox products on the market today, with varying degrees of effectiveness. And despite all the information available, it can be challenging to find accurate, reliable information online. When you’re looking to find a product that works and suits your needs, professional reviews can be just what you’re looking for.

Rapid Detox Reviews named Herbal Clean QCarbo the #1 detox cleanse on the market gauging products based on:  

·       Effectiveness – Does the product produce clean results?
·       Speed of Results – How quickly do you see results?
·       Quality of Ingredients – How powerful are the ingredients?
·       Product Safety – Are there any harmful ingredients? 
·       Customer Reviews – What do customers think about it?
·       Company Reputation – Does the company have good reviews?
·       Money-Back Guarantee – Do they guarantee results?
·       Overall Value – Does the detox product perform as advertised?

After careful assessment, the testers ranked Herbal Clean QCarbo five stars in four categories!

The reviewers explained, “It received the highest Overall Score, Effectiveness, Consumer Reviews and Product Safety. They use quality natural ingredients and can be found at your local GNC and many other retailers. Herbal Clean is within 3 miles of every home in America… They also offer a great money back guarantee which is quite rare in the rapid detox market.”

Our commitment to only using the highest quality herbs has solidified our seat at the head of the table, leading the industry in innovation, quality and reliability. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Keep The Best One Step Detox On Hand

Herbal Clean’s QCarbo32 is one of our most powerful cleansing herbal detox drinks. This easy-to-use 1-step super cleanser is specially formulated for people with a larger body mass or with higher toxin levels and who want to be clean the very same day.  

QCarbo32 has a unique mix of herbs and minerals such as Dandelion Root, Burdock Root, and Uva Ursi that do not just remove toxins, but replenishes your body’s natural balance and helps support the liver, kidney and heart. Pick up a bottle or two today for when your body needs a fast powerful detox.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Easing into Your Weight Loss Goals

If weight loss is high on your list of concerns, there are many, many, many options available to help you achieve your goals. For years, the most common weight-loss advice was cutting fat out of the diet, until we realized that carbs and higher caloric intake might be the real culprit; on some protocols, eating less changed to eating more, but in smaller amounts, more frequently throughout the day. Today diets range from cutting calories, to cutting out specific foods or types of foods, creating allergy-free menus and keeping ingredients as natural and chemical free as is possible (and affordable).
While the objective is to lose weight, the unexpected side effect can be twofold: feeling hungry or unsatisfied when familiar foods are removed from the diet, combined with a hike in expenses, because diets often call for extensive menus with specialized ingredients.

Rather than going out on a limb, consider nipping the problem in the bud with Herbal Clean’s Simply Slender FullCaps. By helping to promote a feeling of fullness, these easy-to-swallow pills allow you to eat what you want, but when you feel full you’ll likely eat less, which assists in achieving weight loss goals. Made with all-natural Glucomannan, a calorie-free soluble fiber derived from the konjac root, Simply Slender FullCaps help supress appetite and support healthy weight management.

With years of research and product formulation behind our products, you can trust Herbal Clean to help boost your weight loss efforts. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Benefits of Healthy Weight Loss—and How to Get There

The evidence is more than just anecdotal. Data from a study of the lifetime health and economic benefits of weight loss among obese persons found evidence of increased quality of life for those participants who sustained a ten-percent weight loss. The study showed that, depending on age, gender, and initial BMI, weight loss would:
  1. Reduce the expected number of years of life with hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and type 2 diabetes;
  2. Reduce the expected lifetime incidence of coronary heart disease and stroke;
  3. Increase life expectancy by 2 to 7 months; and
  4. Reduce expected lifetime medical care costs of these 5 diseases by $2200 to $5300.
So what’s the best way to lose that ten percent, or that stubborn ten pounds? Diets and lifestyle choices abound, and each book, website, television show, or exercise program can quickly and easily convince you of why it’s the best option for you. Regardless, there are certain tenets of successful weight loss which are (nearly) irrefutable. 

Know where you’re starting from. Take body measurements and weigh yourself.  Knowing this information will give you a baseline to gauge your progress.

Pick a reasonable goal. To be successful, pick a goal you feel certain you can attain within a set amount of time. One pound per week is the general rule of thumb.  

Be accountable. Share your goal with someone else, whether it’s a spouse, or a colleague; begin working with a trainer, or connect with someone with a similar goal in an online forum. They will act as an accountability partner to keep you focused and on-target. 

Eat. Find a diet that works for you. It doesn’t need to come from a current bestseller, just what works for, and feels sustainable to you. 

Move. Besides food, exercise is where potential weight-losers get hung up. Pick an activity you love, and do it. Start slow if you need to, but make a commitment and follow through by getting enough exercise on a regular basis. 

Kick-starting your weight loss efforts with a cleanse or detox can be just what you need to get motivated. With the potential to help you feel better and cleaner—not to mention losing a few pounds right off the bat—Herbal Clean products from QPretox and Simply Slender Master Cleanse to the Fixx and our Premium Detox 7-Day Complete Cleansing System, there’s something for every body.