Monday, January 5, 2015

When your Liver Tells you it’s Time to Detox

The body is a busy place, and your organs do a lot of work, and perhaps no organ does more to facilitate the body’s overall processes than the liver. The liver performs two primary functions: first, as a digestive organ, and second, as the main organ for detoxing the body. With this workload, the liver can become taxed, overburdened, and in need of a detox.

The body is always giving indications to tell us what it needs. Because the liver can become stressed as a result of alcohol or drug use, hepatitis, long-term prescription drug use, and consumption of artificial sweeteners like aspartame, it’s important to pay attention to how you feel and any symptoms. The signs of a toxic liver can include:

·       Sensitivity to chemicals (tobacco smoke, fumes, perfume, cleaning agents, etc.)
·       Pain between the shoulder blades, or over the liver (upper abdominal area on right side of body)
·       Headaches over the eyes, or gallbladder attacks
·       Inability to eat greasy foods
·       Unexplained sensations of nausea or motion sickness
·       Sensitivity to wine (easily intoxicated or nauseated by), and easily hung over
·       Hemorrhoids or varicose veins, strangely colored or textured stools

With years of research and product formulation behind products like Super Liver Support and Herbal Clean Premium Detox, you can trust Herbal Clean when you need to detox effectively. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC.

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