Tuesday, February 16, 2016

5 Weight Loss Tips to Live By

The New Year is here, and we can already tell you that one of the top resolutions for 2016 will be weight loss. We live in a society where being overweight or obese is extremely commonplace; in fact, more than two-thirds of the population falls into this category. Losing weight can be tough, but it’s certainly not impossible. Use these 5 tips to help you on your weight loss journey:

1.    Detox regularly. Detoxes are great for starting anew weight loss plan. They force you to stop exposing yourself to unnecessary food/drink toxins, and they flush the toxins that have built up in your system over time. Doing this usually results in rapid loss of a few pounds, plus it restores hydration and balance to your body before you start your long-term plan for better health.
2.    Quit saying yes to fad diets. Fad diets are exactly that - a fad. They never seem to last because they’re not manageable over the long-term. Plus, most of them are fairly unhealthy, and can have negative effects on your metabolism that actually cause you to GAIN weight. 
3.    Try an 80/20 approach. Sometimes, the key to a successful long-term weight loss plan is in treating yourself on occasion. An 80/20 plan emphasizes that 80% of the food you eat should be healthy, while the remaining 20% can be something a little less healthy. This way, you’re not depriving yourself of all the foods you love, but you’re still eating right a majority of the time.
4.    Diversify your physical activities. Doing the same exercises over and over isn’t just repetitive - for most people, it’s also extremely boring. Mix it up with a variety of activities and intensities to keep your brain and body challenged and energized.
5.    Stand, don’t sit. Even if you have a desk job that more or less requires you to sit most of the day, do what you can to decreased prolonged sitting. Get up and walk around at least once an hour, or try a standing desk.

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