Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Do Toxins Affect Brain Function?

Toxins are, sadly, a normal part of life these days, and there’s really not a lot we can do to avoid them. Between the environment we live in and the foods we eat, we are exposed to a lengthy list of toxic compounds that negatively impact our health and well-being every day.  While the entire body is at risk of being harmed due to toxins, one of the biggest concerns is how exposure to these chemicals are affecting our brains.  Here are 6 of the most common toxins we encounter, along with information about how they can affect the brain.

1.     BPA - No doubt you’ve seen labels on plastic water bottles and other items that say “BPA free.” This a response to the international attention that’s been directed at this dangerous toxin that is linked to a number of health concerns. Bisphenol-A, or BPA, can interfere with hormone production and other areas of the body, and in the brain, it’s known for causing problems with learning abilities and memory.
2.    Mercury - Most people are already aware of the dangers that mercury presents, but do you know how it can affect your brain? Mercury attacks neurons in the visual cortex and cerebellum of the brain, along with targeting the spinal cord. In pregnant women, mercury can build up in the fetus’ brain, resulting in babies born with cerebral palsy and other conditions. 
3.    Phthalates - Phthalates are toxins found in many everyday items, such as cosmetics, hygiene products, and even some food. These compounds have been linked to brain-related problems such as ADHD and neurodevelopmental disorders.
4.    Lead - Many people think of lead poisoning as being something from the past, but the truth is this harmful toxin still poses a threat today. Lead can negatively impact all the major systems of the body as well as cause neurological disorders. Impaired learning ability, decreased IQ, ADHD, antisocial behavior, and memory and concentration problems are just some of the ways in which lead can impact the brain. 
5.    Benzene - Found in fuel, pharmaceuticals, and even some detergents, benzene is a highly toxic compound that can wreak havoc on the body. Exposure to benzene can result in headaches and other neurological problems, such as irritability, confusion, sleep disorders, and memory loss.
6.    Pesticides - Pesticides are used all around the world to protect food, property, and people from insects and disease. However, the toxins found within many of these pesticides do the exact opposite of protecting - resulting in harmful side effects instead. Pesticide use on the foods we consume has been shown to cause a number of dangerous ailments, with Parkinson’s disease, ADHD, and long-term brain damage being some of the biggest concerns.

As you can see, everyday toxins can have a serious negative impact on the brain and its function. To help counteract these effects, it’s important to detoxify the body regularly to rid it of dangerous chemicals and compounds. This, along with a healthy lifestyle, can help you live a happier, healthier, and fuller life.

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