Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Power of Tumeric Root

For an effective whole-body detox, it's important to seek out ingredients that have stood the test of time, rather than following each new trend that appears only to learn later that you've been misled. There are few detoxifying herbs more time tested than turmeric root.

You may know it for its bright yellow-orange color or for the hint of nutty bitterness that it brings to curry, but turmeric has been used medicinally for nearly five thousand years. Turmeric's benefits have long been recognized in ancient Greece, in India, and by indigenous tribes in Hawaii. It is said to stimulate the circulatory system while fighting inflammation, and has been used to treat many different maladies. These include sinus infections, indigestion, eczema, and even osteoarthritis.

As it turns out, those historical claims were not entirely superstition. Recent research has found many points of agreement with the ancient wisdom concerning turmeric, and has even found potential cancer-fighting properties in the plant. Though scientists have been able to isolate a compound called curcumin, the active ingredient in fresh turmeric, it isn't yet widely available to the public in a standardized, thoroughly tested form. Until it is, what can you do?

Adding turmeric to your diet is one way to take advantage of this powerful cleansing substance. Unfortunately, there's no way for you to assess the purity or effectiveness of your spice jar's contents. If the batch that you purchase has been sitting in the grocery store for too long or comes from a less reputable distributor, it may contain little or no curcumin. You'll be left with a yellowish powder no more effective than chalk.

Avoid the uncertainty: get your turmeric in a precisely designed blend, optimally paired with a select array of other natural ingredients for maximum detoxifying power. 

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