Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What’s the Real Story behind Panax Ginseng?

People have been known to use the root of the plant Panax ginseng to make medicine to treat certain ailments.  It is important to note, however, that you do not confuse Panax ginseng with American or Siberian ginseng as they are very different forms.  Be very wary of this particular herb, as it is a known fact that the actual ingredients being packaged under this name can vary greatly.  There are many types of ginseng and you want to be very careful about which ones to choose and which ones may or may not be right for you.

Side Effects

Researchers who have studied Panax ginseng suggest that it could be harmful, especially with prolonged use.  One of the most common side effects is insomnia – having trouble getting to sleep and/or staying asleep.  Other side effects that have been known to occur with use of this herb are breast pain, erratic blood pressures, increased heart rate, menstrual problems, loss of appetite, headache, rash, dizziness, itching, diarrhea, vaginal bleeding, and mood changes, among others.  More rare side effects include severe liver damage, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and allergic reactions that can range from mild to severe.

Value During Cleansing and Detox

When considering a detox program to rid your body of unhealthy toxins that it most likely accumulates every day, you probably do not want a product that contains Panax ginseng.  It doesn’t seem to have any value that would be beneficial in an all-natural herbal and mineral detox product.  Quite the contrary, it can possibly create harmful and unwanted side effects.

Those wanting the best detox program available and are concerned about what is getting put into their system understand that the best blend of minerals and herbs have been formulated with a strategy in mind.  The grouping of minerals and herbs should have been tested by industry experts and assured of the high quality standards necessary to bring the most beneficial body cleansing product to you.  Put your trust in a brand that has proven itself over time.

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