Thursday, September 24, 2015

Has Red Clover Proven Itself Useful?

While once there was hope for medicinal purposes to Red Clover, the findings thus far have proven just the opposite – to not be helpful in many areas.  Scientific evidence hasn’t found any pot of gold at the end of the Red Clover rainbow, at least not yet.  It has shown not to be effective in helping reduce the number of, or symptoms of, hot flashes in women, nor has it shown any positive effect on improving high cholesterol, which at one time was touted.  In fact, in large doses (tested on animals), it has seemed to cause sterility.

Varying Kinds of Red Clover

One must remember, as with most all herbs, that there are many different kinds of Red Clover.  As well, when researchers experiment with a substance, it is introduced in any number of dosage amounts and coupled with a wide variety of other elements to produce benefit.  While early research may have suggested some positive attribute to Red Clover against fighting cancer, some of those affirmations have now been dispelled stemming from further studies.  Different forms of Red Clover have gone through stages of experimentation, and the findings are far from conclusive with regard to any positive benefits.

Red Clover and Detox Products

As a rule, it would be considered wise to stay away from Red Clover in detox products.  After all, the reason for detox and cleansing is to rid the body of pollutants and toxins.  You want to know that the blend of good herbs and minerals you are cleansing your body with has already gone through scientific testing and has passed with flying colors.  You want to be assured that the detox product you choose has been manufactured in a GMP-accredited facility that has a reputation for high quality products.

Proper detoxification of the body should not be left to chance; there should be no question in your mind to the authenticity and guarantee of the cleansing and detox product you choose.  You are cleansing your body to help make it healthier and to aid it in functioning to the best of its abilities.  Ensure you choose the best product available – your body deserves 

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