Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How To Remove Toxins

Feeling tired and run down? It could be toxins. Toxins gather in livers, kidneys, bowels, and the urinary system and mess with your body’s overall cycle and function level. Cleansing the toxins in our bodies can revive energy and allow our complex circulatory system work more efficiently. Learn more:

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Natural vs. Supplementary Taurine

Taurine, found naturally in breast milk, meat, and fish, is also made into a supplement to help with electrolyte balance, neurological development, and cardiovascular health.  As an amino acid that also has antioxidants, it helps boost minerals and balance water levels in the blood.  The Japanese eat a lot of this amino acid from fish and research has shown that Taurine increases lifespan longevity.  In its natural form, Taurine has a number of benefits:
  • Its positive effect on blood vessels reverses the effect of cardiovascular disease.  
  • This amino acid protects vision.
  • Not only does Taurine help our hearing sensitivity, it can actually reverse some problems 
  • such as tinnitus, chronic ear ringing.
  • It can both prevent and treat liver disease.
  • It has been known to help with seizures.
Once we start tinkering with this natural amino acid, its potential harms surface.  Taurine is a common ingredient in energy drinks because it’s known to help high-energy athletic performances and its negative capabilities have been discovered through looking into Taurine’s role in the energy drink.  Taken in excess or used in powerful detox formulas, Taurine can actually have a drug-like effect on the body rather than providing energy.  Consuming this supplement could offset a natural nitrogen balance and cause kidneys to feel strained. There’s a hole in the research about Taurine, as scientists aren’t exactly sure of its role in the brain or what levels function to activate or sedate.  Our chemists don’t feel comfortable leaving it up to chance, so we leave it out of our detox formulas.  

Until more research is known, it’s best to take in natural amounts of this amino acid through foods, but not necessarily as an ingredient in energy drinks or detoxification.  

Friday, August 21, 2015

How Often Can You Use Detox Cleansers?

While there’s no specific recommendation on how frequently you choose to detox your body using herbal cleansers, our detoxes aren’t designed for daily use.  Instead, they’re designed to powerfully detox with same-day results for when you really feel a build-up of toxins.  Our cleansers are a way to clear the system out, but around that there are plenty of ways to keep your body as healthy as possible in the in-between times.

Our bodies naturally try to flush out toxins on a daily basis, but detox formulas help speed that process up.  It’s difficult for our bodies to keep up with the amount of toxins and pollutants we encounter daily in our environments.  In between uses of detox cleaners, you can continue helping your body’s cleansing process by:
  • Drinking lots of water.  It helps create a fast path to get toxins out of your body quickly.
  • Exercising.  There’s a reason we feel endorphins livening up after exercise; we sweat out toxins through our pores, so that cardio workout is a great idea.
  • Eat whole foods, vegetables, and fruits with lots of nutrients.  Try to limit the amount of pesticides and other chemicals on the foods you’re eating.  Watch out for BPA which can line some packages, including cans. Vegetable and fruit smoothies (especially of the green variety) are a good source of natural antioxidants, iron, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, so don’t ignore simple ways like that to introduce those fruits and veggies to your diet.
  • Take daily vitamin supplements to help enhance your body’s natural intake. If you have specific issues, like low iron or potassium, consider specialize supplements. If you just want to make sure you’re covered, consider a daily vitamin that cover a whole gamut. 
  • Avoid addictive substances such as sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. They can really do a number on your body.
With the combination of a cleansing lifestyle and an occasional liquid or pill-form detox, you can maintain vibrant, active body energy and not let toxins sit around in tissues, muscles, and organs for too long. Learn more by visiting Herbal Clean today.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Is Saw Palmetto Dangerous?

Saw Palmetto is an herb created by the fruits and berries of a Sebal Palm tree.  It’s most commonly used to help with an enlarged prostate.  People have also used Saw Palmetto for anything from hormonal imbalances and pelvic pain to a sore throat or hair loss.  While such a wide range of possible applications seems a bit fishy from the outset, possible problems in relation to Saw Palmetto include:
  • Pancreatitis.  
    Research has shown the inflammation in the pancreas can occur in those taking Saw Palmetto even in intermittent and small doses.
  • Liver damage.  If you have a history of your liver being compromised in any way, it’s not recommended that you use Saw Palmetto, as the liver’s condition could worsen.
  • Blood thinning. Saw Palmetto thins blood in a similar way as aspirin.  As a blood thinner, it can cause prolonged bleeding and easy bruising.  If you have stomach ulcers or any bleeding diseases, Saw Palmetto could increase those problems.
  • Breastfeeding interaction. Saw Palmetto acts similar to a hormone and is therefore unsafe for pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding.
  • As an herb that slows blood-clotting and also acts a hormone, Saw Palmetto can also have complicated interactions with other hormones and herbs:
  • Saw Palmetto can decrease the effectiveness of birth control through the way it interacts with estrogen levels in the body.
  • Aside from blood-thinning medications, there are also herbs that work to thin blood.  Taking Saw Palmetto with garlic, clove, gingko, angelica, danshen, or ginger, red clover, turmeric, and others can cause increased bleeding.
The potential hazards of this herb seem to outweigh its possible benefits, especially when there are other herbs available for use with fewer risks.  We choose herbs that interact effectively and safely with one another, and we our chemists don’t include Saw Palmetto.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Removing High Levels of Toxins

While we create new technologies for convenience and efficiency in an ever-growing fast-paced world, some unintentional offshoots involve a lot of toxins and emitting pollutants.  There are toxins in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and even most of the foods we put into our bodies.  Toxins gather in livers, kidneys, bowels, and the urinary system.  Toxins mess with your body’s overall cycle and function level.  They can cause chronic fatigue, weight fluctuations, stomach sensitivity, and even the kinds of aches and pains we might mistake for “just getting old.”  Cleansing the toxins in our bodies can revive energy and allow our complex circulatory system work more efficiently.

Herbal Clean products work with the body’s natural vitamins and minerals to help move them along more quickly into cleansing processes.  Our products use specific herbal blends for different mixtures that take into account the level of toxicity in your body and your body’s lean muscle mass (which is your body’s muscle to fat ratio).  For removing high levels of toxins, take a look at these same-day cleansing options:
  • QCarbo20 Clear blends herbs, vitamins, and minerals for an extra-strength detox formula that’s perfect for those with average lean muscle mass.  
  • Ultra Eliminex Premium Detox works to get rid of high toxins in those with high body mass-- it’s a premium solution to quickly clear unwanted toxins from the body.
We also have a couple products that work for any level of toxins and body types:
  • Premium Detox 7 Day Complete Cleansing System is made for those with more time to cleanse and who are able to stay clear of most toxins during the week-long process.  This cleanse implements natural herbs, nutrition, and exercise on a guided daily schedule.
  • QPreTox is a daily cleanser that readies your body for more intense same-day detoxes.
To learn more about how to eliminate toxins from your body, take a look at what we have to offer now.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Could Devil’s Claw Cause an Interaction With Your Next Cleanse?

Devil’s Claw hails from the desert climate of South Africa.  It is so named for the claw-like hook that bears its fruit.  It is often sought-after for relief of arthritis pain, back pain, and other inflammatory conditions.  Getting the dosages just right for these conditions can be tricky.  Not enough is truly known about Devil’s Claw to predict its safe use.

Who should be wary of using Devil’s Claw?

Liver conditions.  If you are on medications for a liver condition, Devil’s Claw could potentially slow down the time it takes your liver to break them down to be able to use them.  Depending on the other medications being taken, Devil’s Claw could possibly increase the severity of their side effects.

Ulcers.  Due to the fact that Devil’s Claw increases the production of stomach acids, those with stomach ulcers could trigger the ulcers to get worse.

Heart problems.  People with high or low blood pressure and those with heart problems could exacerbate their condition with use of Devil’s Claw as the herb can affect heart rate.  Those with circulatory issues would be well advised to stay away from this herb.

Gallstones.  It is believed that Devil’s Claw increases bile production; therefore, for those known to have gall stones, you should steer clear of this herb.

Diabetes.  If you have diabetes and are on medications to help control it, Devil’s Claw can also lower blood sugar levels.  If you aren’t careful, it could cause your blood sugar to drop too low.  Blood sugar levels would need to be monitored closely and your physician advised if you were to decide to add this herb to your supplement routine.

Pregnant or breast-feeding women.  Do not take any chances with Devil’s Claw if you are pregnant or breast-feeding as it could possibly harm your baby.  Simply not enough is known yet about this plant to determine safety for these sensitive conditions.

Devil’s Claw has been known to aggravate some conditions and interact with other medications being taken to the extent of causing internal bleeding.  Never combine this herb with aspirin, ibuprofen, Warfarin, Coumadin, or any other anti-inflammatory drugs.  The combination could worsen your health condition.

Always be careful when combining herbs, supplements, and medications.  Make sure you read all you can find on the ingredients to help get a product that’s perfect for you! To learn more visit the our Herbal Clean website today.