Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Why is Cayenne Pepper in Detox Products?

There has a been a lot of interest in cayenne pepper recently, and we have been asked many times why we include this ingredient in many of our Herbal Clean body cleansers.  This is not a new trend. Cayenne pepper has long been recognized for its unique properties, which make it an excellent tool for the natural treatment of many illnesses.  In fact, the use of cayenne pepper as a herbal remedy can be traced back to ancient civilizations.  So, how can cayenne pepper aid your ailments?

Are you suffering with gout, arthritis, fibromyalgia, or other joint pain?
Cayenne pepper is known to have anti-inflammatory properties.  It naturally reduces the body’s reaction to pain, which means less inflammation.  Easing the swelling around joints can typically achieve the desired reduction of pain and discomfort.  This is beneficial for all types of arthritis, as well as other conditions, like gout and fibro, all of which share inflammation as a symptom.

Trouble with heart burn, indigestion or nausea? This super food is a fabulous aid for the digestive process.  It stimulates the production and flow of gastric juices, which means that the body more quickly metabolizes food, and there is less pain, discomfort, or irritation after eating.

Is congestion or trouble with seasonal allergies getting you down? The same anti-inflammatory properties previously mentioned can also be beneficial when battling congestion. Furthermore, there is evidence that cayenne pepper can actually reduce allergic reaction and even prevent it all together.

Do you have trouble with dry mouth, cotton mouth, or bad breath? These and other common dental complaints can often be aided by increasing cayenne pepper consumption.  The natural ingredient encourages the production of saliva.  Saliva plays many important roles.  One is to start the process of digestion, but it also battles bacteria, which can lead to gum disease, cavities, bad breath, and other related problems.

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