Thursday, June 11, 2015

Do You Need a High Toxin Level Detox?

It can be difficult to select the right detox system for your body, and many will reference the level of toxins in your body.  But, how do you know what your toxin levels are?  Though there is not an exact science for determining the answer to this question, there are several questions that you can ask yourself.  The more times that you answer yes to these questions, the higher your toxin levels are likely to be.

Do you suffer from constipation or bloating frequently?
Do you suffer from nasal congestion regularly?
Are you a seasonal allergy sufferer, complete with itchy eyes and runny nose?
So you struggle with dry, itchy skin and scalp?
Do you have difficultly waking in the morning?
Is fatigue a common problem that you suffer with?
Are you personally familiar with insomnia?
Do you get sick (i.e. colds, stomach bugs, flu, etc.) frequently?
Are you a procrastinator or do you find it difficult to start the tasks at hand?
Do you regularly suffer from indigestion?
Is joint pain a problem that disrupts your life?
Is your appetite inconsistent, or entirely lacking at times?
Are you a frequent snacker – salty or sweet?
Do you eat a lot of fast food, canned food, or other highly processed meals?
Is stress a big problem in your life – at home, at work, or during the commute?

People who struggle with several of these issues regularly, or for a prolonged period of time, are good candidates for high toxin level cleanses.  Those who answered yes to a few, but not the majority would likely be best suited by a detox solution meant for medium toxin levels.

Others who are not necessarily struggling with these issues, but would like to lose weight would be better candidates for something like Simply Slender FullCaps, which promote a feeling of fullness, but aren’t necessarily intended as toxin cleansers.

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