Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Choosing the Best Detox Drinks

Pesticides, carcinogens, drugs, air pollutants – they all surround your body on a daily basis, and they can remain stored within your system for a long period of time. Your body does have a natural cleansing process, but it’s quite slow, and it can be affected by many other things. Getting an optimal cleanse may require a little outside help, and today’s best detox drinks can help you do just that. Before you simply grab the first one you see, though, how do you get the best one to actually meet your body’s needs? These tips can help.

  • Let Your Body Retain Natural Vitamins and Minerals: While there are many toxins your body stores day after day that need to be eliminated, there are also many vitamins and minerals your body stores. The wrong detox drink may sweep away the good with the bad, leaving your body in far worse shape than it should be. Look for a drink that leaves behind what your body truly needs to function day after day.
  • Find One Produced at a GMP Accredited Facility: The United States Food and Drug Administration suggests a number of Good Manufacturing Practices for facilities, or GMP regulations to ensure products are safe, pure, and effective. Not all cleanse products are made in one, so finding one that is has to be part of the equation, as those that aren’t may be dangerous.
  • Look for a Guarantee: The best cleanse drinks work on an individual level, so not every choice is going to work for every person. Make certain you choose one from a company that offers a money back guarantee, so if it doesn’t actually meet your needs, there’s no real risk to your pocketbook involved. 

Looking for one of the best cleanse drinks on the market? We can help. Our full product line is packed with the fix you need now. Explore your options today!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cleansing and Detox: The Guide You Need

More and more people are looking to cleansing and detoxing as the way to get a good start. There are many potential benefits involved. From weight loss to brightened skin to more energy, this process seems to be the way to make a fresh start. If you’re unfamiliar with the process, though, this guide can help you learn exactly what you need to know before you get started.

There Are Many Ways to Cleanse
There are a number of different ways you can cleanse and detox your body. One quick search about cleansing is going to reveal methods from going to see someone for a cleanse to taking a few capsules to drinking a liquid diet for a few days. Read about all of the methods before you get started so you can best explore your options.

Look Carefully At Your Body And Your Goals Before You Start
Because there are so many different options available, it can be tough to choose the one that is right for you. It’s essential that you look at what your body can handle and what your goals are before you choose anything. You’ll want to consider your toxin level as well as how much time you have available. If you’re looking for a deep weight loss cleanse, for example, you’ll need something a bit stronger. In the event you just need a quick, light cleanse, know that before you get started.

The Key Is to Stay Hydrated
During the course of any type of cleanse, regular hydration is important. Remember that your body is about 75% water, and the reality is that you’ll lose a lot of the water in your body during the course of your cleanse.  It’s important to remember to drink even when you don’t feel thirsty. Obviously you don’t want to drink to the point of discomfort, but you do want to keep your hydration levels as high as possible. While some people turn to other drinks outside of water, remember that every type of cleanse is created differently. Most systems would prefer you drink water. Remember that some types of beverages will dehydrate you including those that contain caffeine or alcohol.

Move Forward Slowly After You Cleanse
The steps you take after you cleanse are just as important as those you take during the cleanse. You’re likely going to feel a little weak and tired after your cleanse, and that’s only natural. Take a few extra days to come slowly out of the cleanse, then be sure to eat health, probiotic rich food to help your body read just after the cleanse.

Cleansing and detoxing is a great way to get to a healthier you, but do as much reading as you can about the process before you undergo it.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Look to QTabs for a Fast Easy Detox

QTabs can aid in the cleansing process and offer a sense of general satisfaction and well-being. This proprietary blend of potent cleansing herbs that includes dandelion & milk thistle, quickly works through your body’s digestive and urinary system to boost your body’s natural detoxification process that quickly meets your cleansing needs. 

QTabs from Herbal Clean are a potent, easy-to-use product that comes in 2 flavors – regular & tropical. Visit your local GNC for a box of QTabs today. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What Is an Herbal Colon Cleanse and How Can It Help?

You’ve probably heard the term time and time again. It’s called an herbal colon cleanse, and many people are using them for a variety of reasons. Before you decide whether one is right for you, though, you may want to take a closer look at the practice.

What Is It?
A colon cleanse is much like it sounds. In most cases, you use a powdered or liquid supplement to help the colon expel its contents. It contains the right mixture of herbs to help eliminate any problem toxins from your body without getting rid of the vitamins and minerals you need. The supplement helps to flush out any fluid and waste that might be in your colon, and it usually takes place over a period of hours. During that time, you may feel a bit weak, but after you’re done, the clean, natural feeling is nothing short of amazing.

Why Use It?
There are a number of different reasons to use a colon cleanse, and the practice actually dates back as far as ancient Greece. All sorts of things can build up in your colon. Toxins from the outside can be collected there, as can undigested food, mucus buildup, and more. Because blood circulates through your colon, it picks up many of its toxins there and sends them to other parts of your body, which could cause real problems in the long term. These toxins may zap your energy, your diet, and they could even cause symptoms like fatigue and stress. With a cleanse, though, they’re completely eliminated, leaving your body clean and refreshed in a way you never thought possible.

If you think an herbal colon cleanse might be the right choice for you, take a look at our full line of cleansers today. With one created for every lifestyle and need, we’ll help you find the right solution for your body.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Are They (Toxins) in You?

Toxins can hide in strange places, many of which we never even think about. And they can be absorbed by the body within a few hours of being consumed through eating or drinking, or being breathed in from the air. Unfortunately, the body’s natural detoxification process is complex and slow. Whether it’s pesticides on your food, carcinogens in the plastic containers we eat out of, prescription drugs, or any number of other pollutants hiding in everyday-use items, the human body can store toxins for long periods of time. Eventually, your body begins to feel the effect. 

Conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables, and the food products they’re used in are treated with pesticides that, even after washing, can leave dangerous amounts of residue behind. Many common food preservatives, as well as the linings of the cans they’re contained in, have been labeled as cancer-causing. Artificial dyes and coloring have been linked to neurological disorders like ADHD. Your body is absorbing these things, and much more, on a daily basis, and remaining in body tissue for a long time.

Herbal Clean knows how to kick the body into high gear to give you the optimal cleansing effect to safely remove these toxins on the very same day you want to be clean. With years of research and product formulation behind our products, you can trust Herbal Clean when you need to detox effectively. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit HerbalClean.com and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

When You Need Rapid Same Day Detox

When you need a potent deep cleansing formula that you can rely on, The Fixx is your solution.  The Fixx is the original cleansing concentrate. Our proprietary blend of potent cleansing herbs will strip away toxins hiding in your body, bringing your body back to a balanced clean state within hours. 

The Fixx is a same day detox cleanser that is an excellent option for those in need of a rapid cleanse. Visit HerbalClean.com and order The Fixx today. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How Diuretics Affect Detoxing

To create the best and most successful results, QCarbo32 contains a number of natural ingredients—Dandelion Root and Burdock Root extracts, and Psyllium Seed Husk, among others. QCarbo32 also contains more than 200% daily value of Vitamin C, plus more than 4,000% daily value each of Thiamin, Riboflavin, and Vitamin B12. Why so much? Because all of these are natural diuretics, and combined with our proprietary Eliminex Plus Blend, they make Herbal Clean detox products so effective

For medical purposes, a diuretic, according to WebMD, helps your body get rid of unneeded water and salt through the urine. Getting rid of this excess salt and fluid helps lower blood pressure, making it easier for the heart to pump—it can also help the body rid itself of toxins.

To make the elimination process easier, when undergoing an Herbal Clean detox, we advise drinking a lot of water and urinating frequently—we recommend it right on the packaging. As QCarbo32 works its way through your system, the toxins we’re exposed to every day—whether from the air we breathe, or the food we eat—are eliminated from the body.

With years of research and product formulation behind our products, you can trust Herbal Clean to help boost your weight loss efforts. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit HerbalClean.com and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC.