Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Sure-fire way to Make a Positive Life Change

At the beginning of a new year, approximately half the population will set a goal to accomplish in the coming 12 months. Many will fail because they either feel too overwhelmed by the goal they’ve set, or because they begin to work toward achieving the goal and don’t see immediate results.
 According to One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way by Robert Maurer, Kaizen embodies the idea of making great and lasting change through small, steady increments. Continuing with the Eastern mindset, Kaizen is the tortoise versus the hare–the idea that slow and steady wins the race. The emphasis here, again, is starting where you are, taking the first step, then continuously moving forward. You will not lose 50 pounds by standing on a treadmill; however, if you walk on the treadmill for ten minutes the first day, then ten more the next, and so on, you will begin the forward momentum necessary to attain the weight-loss goal you’ve set.
The first step in making positive changes in your life is to know what you want to achieve. Take a minute today and list goals you’d like to set–whether it’s finding a new job, losing weight, or learning a new language. Of the items on the list, decide what you feel most passionate about, and list the steps you need to take to make it a reality. Start today with one small step, then take another step tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. If you miss a day, start right back where you left off.

Beginning the new year with Herbal Clean will help clear your body of toxins, and get your year off to a positive start. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC.

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