Thursday, June 30, 2016

What Toxins Can Do To Your Body

People are continually being exposed to toxins that are all around them in the air, food and water every day.  Toxins seem to be everywhere and there seems to be no way to avoid them.  According to the EPA, there were 100,000 chemicals that were in commercial use in the U.S.  just after the year 2000, and those numbers have increased over the past two decades.  

In fact, over the years there has been an increase in the rates of cancers, autism, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and many other disorders. Many of these diseases may be linked in some way to the toxins in our bodies.

Toxins have the potential to damage our skin since toxins leave our bodies through the skin.  This could cause certain skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema and acne to actually increase, which could mean bad things for those who are susceptible to skin problems. 

The skin though is not the only outlet for toxins. Another way that these toxins leave the body is through the gastrointestinal tract.  These toxins can cause many gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, bad digestion, colon polyps, ulcers, diverticulitis and even hemorrhoids.

Toxins can also cause inflammation in the body when our body attempts to deal with the elimination of these toxins.  Inflammation is involved in the advancement of certain diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis, cancer, heart disease, asthma, Alzheimer’s, premature aging and many other diseases toxins can have a horrible affect on the body.

Wellness guru Dr. Joel Furhman has even said that toxins can also facilitate such problems as insomnia, headaches, chronic fatigue, excessive body odor, food sensitivities and other problems of the body due to the body being overwhelmed by these toxins as they lodge in the body’s cells, skin and muscles.

Toxins in the body can have such adverse effects on the body that can lead to problems it is important to remove toxins.  Herbal Clean detox cleansers are an excellent way to do so in a safe manner and get the best results every time.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Potential Problems with Devil’s Claw

Devil’s Claw is thought to have anti-inflammatory qualities, because of that people use it for treating muscle pain, back pain, arthritis, hardening of the arteries and other disorders where inflammation could be a cause of the person’s disorder.  Unfortunately, it may not be everything that it is cracked up to be and while some detox formulas employ it, for Herbal Clean, it is a problem ingredient.

Blood Pressure
Devil’s Claw is said to affect a person’s heart rate and thus could interfere and affect a person’s blood pressure.   As such, those with heart or circulatory system problems should speak to their doctor before taking it.

Blood Sugar
It is also believed that Devil’s Claw could have an effect on a person’s blood sugar and might lower their blood sugar.  So people who have diabetes should probably avoid using devil’s claw or at least consult their physician prior to taking the herb since taking devil’s claw along with their diabetes medication might lower their blood sugar to an unsafe level.

Risk of Bleeding
The anti-inflammatory qualities in Devil’s Claw may increase the risk of bleeding for people who take blood thinners such as Coumadin.  Because of this, people who use blood thinners should probably avoid using this herb.

Might be Harmful to People with Gallstones
It is also believed that Devil’s Claw could possibly increase the creation of bile in the liver and since this could be serious issue to those who have gallstones.

Stomach Ulcers
One last potential issue with taking Devil’s Claw is that the herb is thought to increase stomach acids.  If this is true then people with stomach ulcers should avoid using this herb since it might irritate an ulcer.

It is important for you to know the potential side effects of herbs in your detox products. Herbal Clean does not use Devil’s Claw in their formulas due to its multiple potentially harmful side effects. For more information on the herbs included in Herbal Clean detox products, visit our website.