Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Indulge Now—Detox Later!

Searching online for healthy eating during the holidays, you’ll find millions of sites offering advice, tips and tricks. But it’s challenging not to indulge when you’re faced with party fare, celebratory dinners, and plates full of special cookies, cakes, bars and treats around every corner. And the holidays come but once a year, so why not be just a bit gluttonous and enjoy all the season has to offer, right?

An alternative to resisting temptation is to celebrate now, and cleanse the system later. Instead of denying yourself all the good cheer and delectable options that accompany the winter holidays, savor it all, then kick off the new year with an Herbal Clean detox!

Detoxification is essential in getting your body to release toxins stored in your liver, kidneys, urinary system, and bowels—and all of these can build up over the holidays. An effective full-body cleanse depends on four things:

  1. Proper fluid intake.
  2. The right detox product for your needs and body type.
  3. Correct blend of specific minerals and herbs to support your body’s circulatory, urinary and digestive system.
  4. Replenishment of your body’s essential nutrients.
Our commitment to only using the highest quality herbs has solidified our seat at the head of the table, leading the industry in innovation, quality and reliability. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit www.HerbalClean.com and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC.

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