Friday, December 26, 2014

What Can Happen in 23 Years?

A lot can happen in 23 years. Take, for example, this Radio Shack ad from 23 years ago: we can now do everything listed on this page with one smart phone, rather than the myriad products listed on this page. Just as technology has come a long way, so have our products.

Herbal Clean started 23 years ago, developing products to fill consumers’ needs. Our longevity and market mastery has allowed us to assemble a team of the best nutritionists and chemists, and track the latest and greatest ingredients to produce quality Detox products you can trust—all while adding ingredients that supports the body to naturally detoxify. 

Herbal Clean’s scientifically-proven mix of minerals and herbs removes toxins.  But we also care about what goes into the body.  As the industry leader we are committed to quality and providing the best results every time. We stand behind our products with consumer direct rebates and 100% satisfaction money back guarantees.

Our commitment to only using the highest quality herbs has solidified our seat at the head of the table, leading the industry in innovation, quality and reliability. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC. When it matters make the smart choice that millions of consumers have made, choose Herbal Clean.  It works. Put it to the test. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Indulge Now—Detox Later!

Searching online for healthy eating during the holidays, you’ll find millions of sites offering advice, tips and tricks. But it’s challenging not to indulge when you’re faced with party fare, celebratory dinners, and plates full of special cookies, cakes, bars and treats around every corner. And the holidays come but once a year, so why not be just a bit gluttonous and enjoy all the season has to offer, right?

An alternative to resisting temptation is to celebrate now, and cleanse the system later. Instead of denying yourself all the good cheer and delectable options that accompany the winter holidays, savor it all, then kick off the new year with an Herbal Clean detox!

Detoxification is essential in getting your body to release toxins stored in your liver, kidneys, urinary system, and bowels—and all of these can build up over the holidays. An effective full-body cleanse depends on four things:

  1. Proper fluid intake.
  2. The right detox product for your needs and body type.
  3. Correct blend of specific minerals and herbs to support your body’s circulatory, urinary and digestive system.
  4. Replenishment of your body’s essential nutrients.
Our commitment to only using the highest quality herbs has solidified our seat at the head of the table, leading the industry in innovation, quality and reliability. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Why Lower Toxin Levels?

The world we live in and the products we consume and use—from houses and buildings, to cars and clothing, food, and beverage—are becoming increasingly synthetic, manufactured, fake. And it’s taking its toll on our bodies.

Scientific organizations including the Environmental Working Group (EWG) estimate that our bodies contain hundreds of environmental contaminants in our bodies. They enter our system in ways we wouldn’t consider: from everyday items like food, water, and air, to other commonplace items like household cleaners, plastic containers, and building materials.

As the world changes so does our environment but our bodies are slower to adapt to those changes. As more toxins continue to be present in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink it is more important than ever to properly cleanse your body. Sometimes the toxins in our bodies are there because of our own lifestyle choices.

With effective and high-quality ingredients like Juniper Berry–which modern studies indicate increases the filtration rate of the kidneys and disinfects the urinary tract—Herbal Clean products help wipe the slate clean, eliminating toxins, and helping you feel great!

Our commitment to only using the highest quality herbs has solidified our seat at the head of the table, leading the industry in innovation, quality and reliability. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Herbal Clean’s Hand-chosen Ingredients

All Herbal Clean products are specially formulated with potent deep-cleansing formulas, and hand-chosen ingredients to detox your system and help you perform your best. When eliminating toxins, it’s important that it’s done safely, to give you peace of mind. Because Herbal Clean products are formulated to aid in cleansing all of the body’s major systems, each herb is carefully selected to support the body’s natural cleansing process:

  • Juniper Berry has diuretic and antiseptic properties  
  • Dandelion Leaf helps promote the proper function of the liver so the body can more efficiently process foods and liquids while also purging harmful toxins
  • Turmeric Root boosts enzyme production which digests fat and sugar, where toxins like to hide
  • Burdock Root known for its diuretic ability, thus speeding up the process of toxins being flushed out through increased urination

With years of research and product formulation behind our products, you can trust Herbal Clean when you need to detox effectively. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Is There a Difference in Detox Products?

Not all detox products are created equal. Their formulas can range from simple sugar water to the pairing of miscellaneous ingredients, including everything but the kitchen sink.  Herbal Clean’s commitment to using only the highest quality herbs has solidified our seat at the head of the table, leading the industry in innovation, quality and reliability.  

At Herbal Clean, our priority has always been and continues to be creating the appropriate blend of herbs for each product to address the specific needs. In the 17 years we’ve been creating this line of effective, guaranteed products, we’ve researched and determined the best methods of extraction to formulate the best detoxifying full-body cleansers on the market. From liquid drinks to capsules, tablets and teas, Herbal Clean aids in cleansing all of the body’s major systems, and allows you to eliminate toxins, safely and with peace of mind.

Our commitment to only using the highest quality herbs has solidified our seat at the head of the table, leading the industry in innovation, quality and reliability. Herbal Clean is available online and in a store near you. Visit and type in your zip code to find the nearest GNC.