Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Amazing Healing Powers of Dandelion

For most people, the only good dandelion is a dead one, as the plant is usually seen as nothing more than an annoying weed. They might be surprised to learn, though, that dandelions are actually jam-packed with medicinal properties that can help a number of ailments. Here are 5 ways that dandelion leaves and roots can positively impact your health:

1.    Digestion - Dandelion roots and leaves can help promote digestion by increasing the production of bile to help break down foods. The plant also works to balance the levels of good bacteria throughout the digestive tract, which also helps in food breakdown and nutrient absorption. Finally, it acts as an appetite stimulator, making it a good choice for people dealing with certain illnesses and disease.
2.    Antioxidants - Dandelions are loaded with healthy antioxidants, which can help fight against diseases and slow down the aging process in the body’s cells. Multiple studies have even shown promise that dandelion may help fight certain types of cancer. The plant also contains high levels of Vitamins A and C, as well as beta carotene.
3.    Kidney function - Acting a diuretic, dandelions can help flush your system, giving your kidneys a kick-start in eliminating waste, excess water, and salt. This can help reduce the growth of bacteria that can result in urinary tract and bladder infections, as well as other health issues.
4.    Liver function - As mentioned, dandelions promote the production of bile, which also helps your liver function better. Dandelion roots and leaves can assist your liver in removing toxins and restoring electrolyte balance and hydration to keep your body’s systems running smoothly.
5.    Immune booster - Dandelions also help to boost your immune system, fighting off microbes and fungi that can wreak havoc on your body. This is especially helpful during cold and flu season, when the chance of illness can spike.

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