Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Keep Chronic Illnesses at Bay with Regular Detoxing

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was “one” thing you could do for your body to make it healthier?  And that same “one” thing would help keep chronic illnesses at bay?  Well, there is.  It is called “detoxing.”  And the action of detoxing says exactly what it means: it detoxes your body by removing poisons and other irritants from your body with the act of healthful cleansing.  That’s right – it cleanses your body, from the inside.  What could be better and simpler than that?

Toxins and Poisons

You might ask, “How did I get poisons inside my body?”  It sounds terrible, doesn’t it?  Well, you didn’t do it on purpose, to be sure.  Poisons and toxins get a ride to the inside of your body on the foods you eat and the air you breathe.  It’s virtually impossible “not” to become contaminated with toxins, especially in the world today.  You need to take measures to rid your body of the harmful by-products of daily life through a detox cleansing program.

Detoxing Can Keep Many Illnesses Away

All kinds of varying illnesses and chronic complaints can be an everyday plague that can take away from your enjoyment of life.  A detoxing program can be helpful to those suffering from:
  • Chronic allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Migraine headaches
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Acid reflux
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Diabetes
  • Irritable bowel
  • Fatigue

The above list isn’t even a complete one.  If an individual is suffering from a chronic illness, he or she will likely go to a doctor and be prescribed a pill.  If more than one illness is involved, a person could wind up with 10, 20, or 30 pills to take on a daily basis to try to alleviate the pain and suffering.  When you start taking that many pills, you are almost certain to suffer side effects.  If you don’t want to subject your body to large doses of extra (and possibly unnecessary) pills, try the detox program.  It is a natural method of removing countless toxins and poisons from your body in a quick, safe, easy, and efficient manner.

Detoxing Products

What are you looking for in a good detox product?  You don’t want a “good” detox product; you want a “great” one.  You want a product that has been manufactured and tested for over 20 years.  Where can you find such a product?  Herbal Clean makes detoxing products that use minerals, vitamins, and herbs that have been studied and tested for over 20 years.  The specially formulated blend of herbs, minerals, and vitamins work together to naturally cleanse your body of toxins.  There are different strengths: from the QCarbo16 for those with small body mass and a medium level of toxins to the Ultra Eliminex 32 oz. version that was crafted for those with a large body mass and high toxin levels.  There are also products for everything in between, including capsules for those who would rather detox that way as opposed to a liquid.  The liquids you drink, however, can come in flavors, such as Tropical, which can be quite tasty.

However you choose to detox, make sure you go with a trusted name in the business and products that are designed to work naturally and for the best benefit of your body’s overall health.  If you want to get away from chronic symptoms and illnesses, and don’t what to take an over-abundance of pills, look at what works naturally.  Look at a detox program.

Can Detoxing Improve Circulation in your Blood?

Poor blood circulation can quickly ruin anyone’s day. Whether you are on your feet all day or sitting behind a computer, if your body has poor blood circulation, your body’s blood flow is impaired and your heart carries a heavier burden than it should have to. Detoxing is a great place to start improving your circulation. Learn more by visiting Herbal Clean today.

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Friday, October 23, 2015

Detoxing to Improve Mental and Emotional Clarity

Usually, when people decide to do a cleanse, they’re doing it for reasons related to their physical health.  Whether they want to remove toxins to promote a healthier balance in their digestive tract, or reduce inflammation in the skin, or even lose weight, a cleanse is often done to gain some type of physical advantage. But what about the emotional and mental benefits of cleansing?  That’s right, detoxifying your body can make a difference in more than just your body – your mental and emotional state can also be improved when you eliminate the pollutants that build up in the body over time.

Think of the body as a whole that includes your mind and emotions as well.  Everything is connected, and if something goes wrong in one area, the other parts will be negatively affected too.  Toxins build in our bodies daily – from the environment, from the foods we eat, and the air we breathe – and these can inhibit proper function of the body’s systems.  When a particular system isn’t performing as it should, this can lead to pain, discomfort, and a general poor quality of life.

All of these physical symptoms can then manifest into problems of the mind.  This may be experienced as depression, anxiety, or reduced clarity in your thoughts or expressing yourself.  You may notice that you feel discombobulated or just off-balance emotionally. 

To rid yourself of these negative internal feelings, you need to eliminate the dangerous toxins in your body that may be causing them.  An herbal cleanse containing nature’s own powerful body/mind boosting ingredients can help you detoxify and reclaim a sense of balance and stability in your mental state.  With the toxins gone, your body will return to proper function, improving how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.  So what are you waiting for?  Lose the toxins, and regain the body-mind-emotional balance that you deserve.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Detoxing With The Uva Ursi Leaf

In today’s world, we are ingesting harmful pollutants and toxins on a daily basis. One way to fight this is by detoxing your body of these damaging toxins. When combined with other herbs and minerals, the Uva Ursi Leaf works together to help the body naturally cleanse and detox. Learn more by visiting Herbal Clean today.

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Monday, October 19, 2015

Turmeric: Good for Your Body and Mind

For centuries, people have turned to the healing properties of turmeric to ease their physical ailments. Highly valued in Asian cultures, the spice has been used for generations to heal afflictions of the stomach, joints and other parts of the body. Now turmeric is becoming more popular in western cultures for use in cleansing and detoxifying the body, ridding it of pollutants and other contaminates that can cause sickness and poor health.  Here’s how turmeric can help you:

Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant
Turmeric contains several anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help fight a number of diseases and illnesses.  Arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, tendonitis and sports injuries have all been shown to improve with the introduction of turmeric in the diet. 

Liver Detox
Turmeric also contains a powerful ingredient called curcumin, which enhances liver function.  When you consume curcumin, your gallbladder increases its bile production. Bile is used to remove toxins from your body by helping the cells in your liver break down these pollutants so they can be safely eliminated.

Cancer Fighter
The spice has also shown promise in fighting and preventing the growth of cancer cells.  Prostate and breast cancer, leukemia, and melanoma have all been identified as diseases which turmeric can help prevent or slow down the metastasis speed.

Mental Well-Being
Research has shown that turmeric can be just as effective, if not more so, at treating depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses as well.  The compounds in the spice are natural mood boosters that can increase dopamine – the happy hormone – and combat the blues.

There are so many reasons why turmeric is such a powerful tool for cleansing and detoxifying the body.  The myriad health benefits described above are just an added bonus. Give your body the boost it deserves – add some turmeric to your daily lifestyle and reap the benefits to your body, mind and soul!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Should I look for Red Clover in my detox?

While early research has suggested that Red Clover may have some health benefits, further research has proven the opposite. When choosing the right detox, there should be no question in your mind to the authenticity and guarantee of the cleansing and detox product you choose. Visit Herbal Clean today to learn more.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Why You Should Avoid Herbal Hydrangea

Herbal hydrangea is commonly used as a homeopathic remedy for treating problems with the urinary system.  Companies marketing the herb often claim it will help the body expel excess water and improve overall urinary tract function while ridding the body of toxins. However, research on this product also points to several negative side effects that can occur, some of which can be very dangerous or even life-threatening.

The most serious side effect of taking herbal hydrangea is the potential for poisoning.  Hydrangea in plant form contains a substance called hydrangin, which is toxic to humans and can cause a cyanide-like reaction.  While this probably isn’t something to worry about with the products from most reputable manufacturers, it’s still a very serious side effect worth mentioning.

Another harmful reaction reported by some users of herbal hydrangea is difficulty breathing.  There have been instances of people experiencing breathing problems following consumption of hydrangea.  Hypotension, or an extreme drop in blood pressure is another reaction that is possible. This is characterized by dizziness, fainting, and even the body going into shock.  While this is dangerous for anyone, people on high blood pressure medication in particular should avoid hydrangea, as the herb can exacerbate this condition.

A less serious side effect, but a negative one nonetheless, is the possibility for skin irritations.  Some hydrangea users have reported itching, rashes or hives after taking the supplement, which may be due to the saponins found in the plant.

If you’re looking for a natural product to help improve your urinary function or flush out your system, don’t turn to hydrangea.  The risk for negative reactions outweighs any reported benefit, and there are a number of safer herbal remedies available that will rid your body of excess water and toxins and leave you feeling cleansed and rejuvenated.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Hop On the Detox Trend

With American’s becoming more and more health conscious, there is a new trend blowing through the air, it is promoting a newer, healthier you. A great way to start this is by detoxing your body of all toxins and pollutants. Learn more by visiting Herbal Clean today.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Why you Should Detox with Herbal Clean

Although we do our best to take care of our bodies, we come into contact with harmful toxins simply through our everyday living.  But Detoxification can help.  Detoxification refers to the process by which our bodies metabolize toxins and the process our bodies go through to transform substances into bodily waste.

Our master cleanse and detox products are formulated to support this natural detoxification process by hydrating your body with liquid, vitamins, minerals, and herbs that fortify your system and flush out unwanted toxins, leaving you healthy and ready to continue living your life to its fullest.

Our bodies are the temples we call home, the vessels by which we experience life. Mahatma Gandhi once said, "It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver."

Although we do our best to take care of our bodies, we come into contact with harmful toxins simply through our everyday living. Different lifestyles lead to different types and levels of toxicity, but everyone suffers from unwanted toxins.

Where do these toxins come from? They can come from the air you inhale, what you drank over the weekend, or that burger you had for lunch, leaving your body to constantly work on cleansing itself. We see these toxins as a serious problem because they keep our bodies from living and operating at their best.

The good news is there is a simple solution. It's called detoxification. Detoxification refers to the process by which our bodies metabolize toxins and the process our bodies go through to transform substances into bodily waste.

Our master cleanse and detox products are formulated to support this natural detoxification process by hydrating your body with liquid, vitamins, minerals, and herbs that fortify your system and flush out unwanted toxins, leaving you healthy and ready to continue living your life to its fullest.

We're here to support your body's health naturally. Honor your body by using a trusted brand for detoxification and master cleansing, and experience life how it's meant to be.